Crochet Stitches Visual Encyclopedia

(Bozica Vekic) #1

Chapter 8 • Flower, Snowfl ake, and Joining Motifs 221

Julia Motif.

Simple and classic, this motif can be used to fill in spaces between
larger, more intricate ones.

Ch 8, sl st to 1st ch to form a ring.

Rnd 1 (RS): Ch 3 (counts as dc), 17 dc in ring, sl st to top of t-ch,
do not turn—18 dc.

Rnd 2: Ch 4 (counts as dc, ch-1 sp), [dc, ch 1] in ea dc around, sl st
to 3rd ch of t-ch, do not turn—18 dc.

Rnd 3: [Sc, ch 4, sc] in ea ch-1 sp around, sl st to 1st sc, fasten
off—18 ch-4 sps.



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