Crochet Stitches Visual Encyclopedia

(Bozica Vekic) #1

Chapter 8 • Flower, Snowfl ake, and Joining Motifs 233

Mudan Snowflake.

The numerous chain spaces on the last round of this snowflake give
you multiple chances to connect it with other motifs or places to
thread it onto an earring hook.

Shell (sh): [Sc, hdc, 2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc, hdc, sc] in st indicated.

Ch 6, sl st to 1st ch to form ring.

Rnd 1 (RS): Ch 1, 12 sc in ring, sl st to 1st sc, do not turn—12 sc.

Rnd 2: Ch 7 (counts as dc and ch 4), sk next sc, [dc in next sc, ch 4,
sk 1 sc] 4 times, sk 1 sc, dc in next sc, ch 1, dc in 3rd ch of beg
ch-7, do not turn—6 ch-sps.

Rnd 3: Ch 5 (counts as dc and ch 2), [2 dc, hdc, sc] around post of
dc, [sh in next 4-ch sp] 5 times, [sc, hdc, dc] in the next ch-1 sp,
join with a sl st to 3rd ch of beg ch-5, do not turn—6 sh.

Rnd 4: Ch 4 (counts as tr), 4 tr in 1st ch-2 sp, [9 tr in next
ch-2 sp] 5 times, 4 tr in 1st ch-2 sp, join with a sl st to 4th ch
of beg ch-4, do not turn—54 tr.

Rnd 5: Ch 8 (counts as dc, ch-5 sp), 2 dc in top of t-ch, ch 2,
sk 2 tr, sc in next tr, ch 2, sk 1 tr, [dc, ch 3, dc] in sp btw 9 tr
of prev rnd, ch 2, sk 1 tr, sc in next tr, ch 2, sk 2 tr, [2 dc, ch
5, 2 dc] in next tr; rep from
4 times more, ch 2, sk 2 tr, sc in
next tr, ch 2, sk 1 tr, [dc, ch 3, dc] in sp btw 9 tr of prev rnd,
ch 2, sk 1 tr, sc in next tr, ch 2, dc in top of t-ch, sl st to 3rd
ch of beg ch-8, fasten off—36 ch-sps.





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