Crochet Stitches Visual Encyclopedia

(Bozica Vekic) #1

Chapter 8 • Flower, Snowfl ake, and Joining Motifs 243

Ch 1, sc in same sp as join, ch 3,
sc in next ch-sp on motif on left,
ch 3, sc in next ch-sp on motif on
right; rep from
across, fasten

Slip Stitch Motifs Together

Less of a seam and more of a way just to join two motifs,
you can crochet motifs together as you go, by replacing a
chain with a slip stitch and literally crocheting one motif
onto another.

Crochet the next motif to the last round.

Follow the directions for the last round of the motif.
When you get to a chain space, remove the middle chain
and replace it with a slip stitch to the same space on an
adjoining motif. In the example, you would
chain 2, slip stitch to the adjoining motif,
chain 2, and then continue crocheting
the working motif.


You will notice that none of the joining techniques listed ever mention sewing. Hand sewing motifs together
is fine if you like sewing. Whipstitching motifs can create a smooth fabric, and when the motif is nearly solid,
almost an invisible seam. The one thing to watch is how well you weave in your ends. When you crochet
motifs together instead of sewing, it is almost impossible for them to unravel. Nothing is more upsetting than
when only days after you sew together your afghan, it starts to come apart at the seam. All seams here are
shown in a contrasting color to highlight the seaming; when seaming your project, you can decide whether to
spotlight the seam or to hide it by choosing a contrasting or matching color yarn, respectively.
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