Crochet Stitches Visual Encyclopedia

(Bozica Vekic) #1

Chapter 9 • Edgings 253

Mission Edging

The shells on the final round of this edging are highlighted not only
in color but also by being separated by the simple rounds.

Shell (sh): [(Dc, ch 1) 3 times, dc] in st indicated.

The stitch pattern is a multiple of 8 plus 5 on the sides. Join the yarn
to the edge with a sl st, and ch 1.

Rnd 1 (RS): Sc across edge in a multiple of 8 plus 5 to corner, 3 sc
in corner; rep from
around, sl st to 1st sc, turn.

Rnd 2: Ch 3 (counts as dc), dc in next dc, 5 dc in corner sc, dc
in ea sc to corner; rep from
around, sl st to top of t-ch, turn.

Rnd 3: Sl st in next dc, sc in next 2 dc, [ch 2, sk 2 dc, sc in
next 2 dc] across to sc 2 away from corner, ch 2, sk 1 dc, sc in
corner dc, ch 2, sk 1 dc, sc in next 2 dc; rep from
around, sl
st to 1st sc, turn.

Rnd 4: Ch 1, [2 sc in next ch-2 sp, sc in next 2 sc] across to
corner, 2 sc in next ch-2 sp, 3 sc in corner sc; rep from

around, sl st to 1st sc, turn.

Rnd 5: Ch 1, sc in next 2 sc, [ch 2, sk 2 sc, sc in next 2 sc]
across to sc 3 away from corner, ch 2, sk 2 sc, sc in next sc,
3 sc in corner sc, sc in next sc; rep from
around, sl st to
1st sc, turn.

Rnd 6: Ch 3 (counts as dc), dc in ch-2 sp, [dc in next 2 sc, 2 dc in next ch-2 sp] cross to corner, dc in next 2 sc, 5 dc in cor-
ner sc; rep from
around, sl st to top of t-ch, fasten off, turn.

Rnd 7: With RS facing, join contrasting color to dc 3 sts after a corner st, sc in ea dc across to corner, 3 sc in corner dc; rep
around, sl st to 1st sc, do not turn.

Rnd 8: Ch 1, [sc, ch 3, sc] in same sc, [sk 3 sc, sh in next sc, sk 3 sc, (sc, ch 3, sc) in next sc] across to corner, [(dc, ch 1)
5 times, dc] in corner sc, sk 3 sc, [sc, ch 3, sc] in next sc; rep from
around, omitting last [sc, ch 3, sc], sl st to 1st sc,
fasten off.










As with lace patterns, blocking makes edgings
come alive. Pinning out each shell may take a
while, but the effort is well worth it when the final
project goes from crumpled to stunning.
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