Crochet Stitches Visual Encyclopedia

(Bozica Vekic) #1

254 Crochet Stitches Visual Encyclopedia

Mystic Edging

You can completely block this fancy edging to its last
round for a classic look. If you leave its last round
unblocked, it will ruffle slightly.

The stitch pattern is a multiple of 8 plus 1 on the sides.
Join the yarn to the edge with a sl st, and ch 1.

Rnd 1 (RS): *Sc across edge in a multiple of 8 plus 1 st,
3 sc in corner; rep from * around, sl st to 1st sc, turn.

Rnd 2: Ch 3 (counts as dc), dc in next sc, *[dc, ch 7,
dc] in corner sc, dc in next 4 sc, [ch 5, sk 3 sc, dc in
next 5 sc] rep to corner; rep from * around, sl st to top
of t-ch, turn.

Rnd 3: Ch 1, sc in top of t-ch, *[4 dc, ch 2, 4 dc] in
next ch-5 sp, sk 2 dc, sc in next dc, sk 2 dc; rep from *
to corner, [(4 dc, ch 2) twice, 4 dc] in corner ch-sp, sk
2 dc, sc in next dc, sk 2 dc; rep from * around, sl st to
1st sc, do not turn.

Rnd 4: Sl st in next dc, turn, ch 2, dc in next dc (sk
sc), ch 1, *sk next dc, dc in next dc, ch 1, sk next dc,
[dc, ch 2, dc] in next ch-2 sp, ch 1, sk next dc, dc in
next dc, ch 1, dc btw next 2 dc, ch 1, dc in next dc, ch
1, [dc, ch 2, dc] in next ch-2 sp, ch 1, sk next dc, dc in
next dc, ch 1, sk next dc, dc2tog in next 2 dc (sk sc),
ch 1, **sk next dc, dc in next dc, ch 1, sk next dc, [dc,
ch 2, dc] in next ch-2 sp, ch 1, sk next dc, dc in next
dc, ch 1, sk next dc, dc2tog in next 2 dc (sk sc), ch 1;
rep from ** to corner; rep from * around to beg, sl st in
1st dc, turn.

Rnd 5: Ch 1, *[sc in next ch-1 sp, ch 2] twice, [sc, ch 4,
sc] in next ch-2 sp, [ch 2, sc in next ch-1 sp] twice, ch
2; rep from * to corner, [sc in next ch-1 sp, ch 2] twice,
[sc, ch 4, sc] in next ch-2 sp, [ch 2, sc in next ch-1 sp]
twice, ch 4; rep from * around, sl st to 1st sc, fasten off.




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