Crochet Stitches Visual Encyclopedia

(Bozica Vekic) #1

Chapter 9 • Edgings 259

Rnd 2: Sl st in next 2 sc, ch 3 (counts as dc), dc-blp in next sc, ch 3, sk 2 sc, dc-blp in next 2 sc; rep from across to 3rd st
from corner sc, ch 3, sk 2 sc, dc-blp in next sc, [dc-blp, ch 3, dc-blp] in corner sc, dc-blp in next sc; rep from * around, ch 1,
hdc to top of t-ch, do not turn.

Rnd 3: Ch 1, sc around hdc, ch 5, sc in next ch-3 sp; rep from across to corner ch-sp, ch 5, [sc, ch 5, sc] in corner ch-sp;
rep from * around to 1st sc, ch 2, dc in 1st sc, do not turn.

Rnd 4: Ch 3 (counts as dc), dc around dc post, ch 3, 2 dc in next ch-5 sp; rep from across to corner ch-sp, ch 3, [2 dc, ch
3, 2 dc] in corner ch-sp; rep from * around to t-ch, ch 1, hdc in top of t-ch, do not turn.

Rnd 5: Ch 1, sc around hdc post, ch 5, sc in ch-3 sp; rep from across to corner ch-sp, ch 5, [sc, ch 5, sc] in corner ch-sp;
rep from * around, ch 5, sl st to 1st sc, do not turn.

Rnd 6: Ch 1, 4 sc in next ch-5 sp, [(ch 3, dc, ch 3, sl st) 3 times] in 4th sc, 3 sc in same ch-5 sp; rep from around, sl st to
1st sc, fasten off.

Small Inside Edging

Rnd 2 (RS): Join yarn 4th st after
corner sc on rnd 1, ch 3 (counts as
dc), dc-flp in next sc (going in the
unused lp), ch 3, sk 2 sc, dc-flp in
next 2 sc; rep from
across to 3rd
st from corner sc, ch 3, sk 2 sc, dc-
flp in next sc, [dc-flp, ch 3, dc-flp]
in corner sc, dc-flp in next sc; rep
from * around, ch 1, hdc to top of
t-ch, do not turn.

Rnd 3: Ch 1, sc around hdc, ch 5,
sc in next ch-3 sp; rep from

across to corner ch-sp, ch 5, [sc,
ch 7, sc] in corner ch-sp; rep from

  • around to 1st sc, ch 5, sl st to
    1st sc, do not turn.

Rnd 4: Ch 1, 4 sc in next ch-5 sp,
[(ch 4, sl st) 3 times] in 4th sc, 3
sc in same ch-5 sp; rep from

around, sl st to 1st sc, fasten off.










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