(Joyce) #1

1950s semi | 25bh25bh oCtober 2017 | 121design advice‘We’re big believers in beingopen-minded – trust yourinstincts and don’t set any rules’1 hallThe 1950s coat hooks were found inthe basement when the family movedin. The bright yellow door contrastswith warm mid-grey walls.walls painted in elephant’s breath estateemulsion, £43.50 per 2.5 litres, Farrow &ball. try's ryker rug, £1192 BOYs’ BedrOOmhard-wearing wooden furnitureis beautiful and practical.Mydal bunk bed frame, £125; Poängchildren’s armchair, £24, both Ikea3 masTer BedrOOman antique wooden headboardand ink-blue wall create a cosy feel.Drawing room blue estate emulsion,£43.50 per 2.5 litres, Farrow & ball.trål work lamp, £20, Ikea``````4 dining rOOmemer’s father built the corner seat,while russell made the shelves.Krossing shelving unit, £400, theConran Shop, would suit this space.old school electric spun steel pendantlight, £125, Made to Last, is similar1234

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