The Economist - USA (2020-11-13)

(Antfer) #1
The EconomistNovember 14th 2020 Asia 25


Banyan Money but not a class


ine monthsafter Taal volcano
erupted, life in the Calabarzon re-
gion of the Philippines, south of the
capital, Manila, is slowly returning to
normal, despite the raging pandemic.
Cinders buried houses, destroyed papaya
plantations and sent tens of thousands
fleeing. Today, the roads have been
cleared and the power is back on. Evacu-
ees have returned to patch up homes.
Local distilleries producing lambanog, a
fierce spirit made from fermented palm
sap, have sputtered to life. Few locals,
though, are holding their breath for the
promised splurge of government assis-
tance. That leaves only one sure source of
income: remittances from relatives
working abroad.
The 2.2m Overseas Filipino Workers
(ofws, as they are typically known) are
feted nationally for their sacrifices.
Nearly half toil in Saudi Arabia or the
Gulf states as maids, drivers or hotel
staff. All hotel bands in China seem to
have a Filipina singer. Hong Kong has
more than 150,000 ofws and Singapore
120,000, most of them women working
as domestic helpers and nannies. Central
Hong Kong on a Sunday is like the Philip-
pines writ small: a pavement map of the
country’s many languages as Filipinas
gather with friends from their region.
A fifth of all ofws are from Cala-
barzon. One, Bernadette, is a nanny in
Hong Kong. Her home in Calaca, in the
shadow of the volcano, escaped the worst
of the ash fall. But many of her friends
have been sending what money they earn
(just over HK$5,000, or $645, a month) to
help rebuild homes and livelihoods
destroyed by the eruption.
In other respects, Bernadette’s story is
typical. The 40-year-old has worked in
Hong Kong for a decade, far from her
husband and son. She supports not only

them but an elderly father with big medi-
cal bills. She has put the son, now 17,
through boarding school. Her six siblings
call on her when they have a financial
emergency. Through all this, she has
bought a plot of land back home and built a
two-storey house. She and many other
ofws are immensely proud of what they
have accomplished. They are welcomed on
their annual Christmas trip home (can-
celled this year because of the pandemic)
as bayani, or heroes. Huge parties are
thrown for them. They nearly always pay.
ofws are only one part of a 10m-strong
Philippine diaspora. Without the Philip-
pines’ 378,000 seafarers, the global mer-
chant fleet would be sunk. Nurses, doctors
and oil and mining engineers the world
over make up an expatriate professional
class. In all, the diaspora sends home
$30bn a year, a tenth of gdp.
Politicians recognise the political and
economic clout of expatriates. In Calaca,
says Bernadette, they woo ofws with
promises of jobs when they return, schol-
arships for their children or health insur-
ance—“but they are just trying to get our

vote.” Presidential candidates or their
proxies come to Hong Kong for rallies.
Not only do ofws’ votes count, but loved
ones at home will listen to them.
On occasion, expats’ social-media
campaigns have drawn attention to
government corruption or incompe-
tence, such as after the deadly Typhoon
Haiyan in 2013. Some academics hope
that expatriates, when they return, can in
future help reshape the country’s poli-
tics, demanding better government and a
more responsive approach to the coun-
try’s inequalities in the place of graft and
the cult of the strongman. There are too
few signs of that happening. ofws do not
yet represent the kind of middle class
capable of urging change. While remit-
tances can enable upward mobility—
Bernadette’s son plans to study aeronau-
tical engineering—they can just as easily
be spent by husbands on booze, roast
pigs, gambling and lovers. Professionals,
meanwhile, are more likely to emigrate
One professional returnee, Ronald
Mendoza, dean of the school of govern-
ment at Ateneo de Manila University,
posits another factor: ofws work largely
in authoritarian places, where the model
of the strongman is rarely questioned.
Most Filipinas in Hong Kong, for
example, were bemused by recent pro-
democracy protests and approve of their
suppression. As for President Rodrigo
Duterte, who embodies personal rule and
promotes vigilante justice, he remains
wildly popular among ofws. When, at
home, this columnist lamented that 18
journalists have been murdered while Mr
Duterte has been unremittingly hostile
to the press, his Filipina cleaner was
indignant, taking it as an insult to her
president. Banyan was impelled to mut-
ter an apology.

Filipinos working abroad are a source of cash, not reform

September, just as campaigning began,
stirring fears about turnout.
But “Mother Suu” remains hugely popu-
lar in Myanmar, especially among the eth-
nic-Bamar majority, but also with some
minorities. Win Lae Shwe Yee, an ethnic
Shan, voted for the nldin this election and
in 2015. She vehemently disagrees with
those who have come to see the nldas a
party of the Bamar, rather than all Burmese,
saying Ms Suu Kyi works “tirelessly” for the
whole country. It helps that the nldtends
to field candidates from the dominant eth-
nicity in each constituency. Moreover, it

controls government budgets, notes Salai
Jimmy Rezar Boi, secretary of the Chin Na-
tional League for Democracy (cnld), an
ethnically based party. He says that in Chin
state, the nld, having promised to build
schools, bridges and the like, took 35 out of
39 seats in the state parliament, up from 28
in 2015. The cnldwon just one.
The army may have given the nldan
unintentional fillip just days before the
election, when Min Aung Hlaing, the com-
mander-in-chief, impugned the integrity
of the election and accused the govern-
ment of making “unacceptable mistakes”,

prompting fears that the top brass might
repudiate the election result (it is anyway
guaranteed 25% of the seats in parliament,
enough to block constitutional reform).
The general, perhaps realising his mistake,
later said he would accept the outcome. But
Moe Thuzar of the iseas-Yusof Ishak Insti-
tute, a think-tank in Singapore, suspects
that his intervention helped to turn out the
vote. On November 11th the usdpdemand-
ed that the election commission “hold a
new election again, co-operating with the
military”. That will only strengthen Mother
Suu’s appeal. 7
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