The New York Times - USA (2020-11-15)

(Antfer) #1

of risk. The lesson of Covid capitalism is that
big business needs big government, and
vice versa.
With astonishing nimbleness and speed,
businesses have accomplished remarkable
feats — most notably the biotechnology and
pharmaceutical companies trying to fight
the virus. But the list includes other
achievements: keeping store shelves
stocked even as much of the capacity to
process and distribute food was disrupted,
and redeploying factories to make ventila-
tors and personal protective equipment.
In many cities, when a sudden rainstorm
arrives, street vendors of cheap umbrellas
will appear as if out of nowhere, driven not
by some central authority but responding to
the invisible hand of the marketplace. If you
substitute masks for umbrellas, and substi-
tute apparel companies for street hawkers,
you have a fair description of the magic of
the marketplace in 2020.
But those private-sector achievements
have been matched by efforts on a scale that
only the public sector can manage — to
channel resources to places most in need
and to protect the economy from huge risk.
Operation Warp Speed has used a mix of
financial incentives to coax the private sec-
tor to invest in vaccine development on a
scale and at a speed it couldn’t have on its
own. Congress enacted legislation to sup-
port millions of small businesses, many of
which would have closed otherwise, and
funneled money to Americans to help pre-
vent a collapse in spending. The Federal Re-
serve announced it would stand ready to

buy hundreds of billions of dollars in bonds
and other assets, ensuring that large com-
panies would have access to capital.
Big business and big government both
play vital roles in making the modern econ-
omy work. The pandemic has showed how
these two can’t really be disentangled —
they rely on each other more than partisans
may care to acknowledge.

Feeding the Country
Seven months ago, although it now seems
seven years ago, Tyson Foods placed a full-
page advertisement in major newspapers
with a dire warning.
“The food supply chain is breaking,” the
chairman, John H. Tyson, wrote. “We have a
responsibility to feed our country. It is as es-
sential as health care.”
A series of coronavirus outbreaks in
meatpacking facilities was leading to dis-
ruptions. With some pork processing plants
closed, millions of pigs on farms grew too
big to be slaughtered and processed in the
equipment used to produce the nation’s sup-
plies of pork chops and sausages. Many
were euthanized instead.
But the remarkable thing is that, despite
Mr. Tyson’s warnings, the food supply chain
mostly remained intact. There were occa-
sional scattered shortages of pork or other
meats, but mostly the market worked.
Prices rose, as Economics 101 would pre-
dict. From March to June, the retail price of
pork chops rose 21 percent, and the price of
fresh whole chickens rose 9 percent. Higher
prices led consumers to seek alternatives to

the foods in short supply, and producers and
supply chain managers worked overtime to
ensure any shortages were short-lived.
Restaurant suppliers reoriented their busi-
nesses to sell to home cooks.
Although grocery stores had some empty
shelves, there were no widespread food
shortages. And while many food prices
were higher than before the pandemic, they
have since moderated. Pork chops are now
only 7 percent above March levels, and
fresh whole chickens are up 3 percent.
“People assume you press a button and
things show up, that when you go to a gro-
cery store food magically appears,” said
Nada Sanders, a professor of supply chain
management at Northeastern University.
“It’s much more complicated. There has
been a sense of absolute urgency in making
sure products are there.”
People involved in the food supply chain
don’t mess around; they are aware that hu-
manity depends on them for sustenance.
But the effort wasn’t confined to food.
“How many distilleries do we know that
stopped producing their high-margin items
like vodka, and began converting to
produce hand sanitizer, which is a low-mar-
gin item?” Professor Sanders said. “There
was a reshuffling of supply chains across
the economy to respond urgently to what
consumers wanted and needed.”
The metaphorical umbrellas arrived
when Americans needed them most. But
nowhere is that more apparent than in the
remarkable mobilization to find treatments
and vaccines for Covid-19.

The Importance of Patents
“A billion dollars is not going to break us,”
Albert Bourla, the chief executive of Pfizer,
was quoted as saying in a profile published
in May. The company, with its $179 billion
balance sheet, could deploy that much to-
ward trying to create a vaccine without fear
that failure would doom it.
Deep pockets were one key to the rapid
escalation of efforts to fight the virus, which
over a mere few weeks went from unknown
to a profound threat to lives worldwide and
to the global economy.
“We’ve watched physicians, scientists
and technologists completely step up to the
charge here and promote information shar-
ing, promote good practices, promote mes-
saging around what’s effective, what’s safe,
and what’s possible,” said Rena Conti, who
studies the pharmaceutical industry at Bos-
ton University.
But the ability of big pharmaceutical and
biotechnology companies to develop new
drugs and bring them to market — at possi-
bly record speed — is not just about money.
These companies have deep expertise and
the ability to channel the efforts of thou-
sands of workers with specialized skills.
A lone genius or a handful of medical re-
searchers working in a lab can come up with
an idea for a molecule that might form the
basis of a helpful drug. But it takes a cast of
thousands to get that drug through multiple
rounds of clinical trials, to crunch the data
to prove it will work and be safe to the satis-
faction of regulators, and to manufacture
the product and distribute it onto pharma-
cists’ shelves.
“The standards are so high by design,”
said Stacie Dusetzina, a professor of health
policy at Vanderbilt University Medical
Center. “Redundancies are built into the
system that require an incredibly high level
of oversight and making sure everything is
absolutely as clean as possible so that when
you get the final answer about whether or
not the drug has met safety and efficacy
goals, you feel rock solid about that.”
The achievements of such industries at
combating the virus make it easy to forget
all the ways that their efforts rely on work
by a powerful government.
The bedrock of the pharmaceutical indus-
try, for example, is patent protection. Com-
panies are willing to invest billions develop-
ing a drug because the federal government
will grant them 20 years of exclusive owner-
ship. (The actual length of the company’s
monopoly on the drug varies depending on
the time lags for F.D.A. approval.)
The F.D.A. also grants periods of exclu-
sivity to companies that develop a new
drug. While its approval process can be
onerous, it helps the pharmaceutical indus-
try as well — by assuring doctors and citi-
zens that an approved drug is safe.
Moreover, innovation itself rests heavily
on basic research in biology and chemistry,
for which there is not a similar profit incen-
tive. Pfizer’s vaccine is based on insights
into chemistry and molecular biology de-
veloped in government and university labs
worldwide over a long period of time.
“No pharmaceutical company would
have the incentive to do the basic scientific
discovery, because it’s not patentable,” said
Amitabh Chandra, a health economist at
Harvard. “A lot of basic science is not prof-
itable. It’s just knowledge. At some point ba-
sic science becomes useful, and then the
private sector can come in. But who’s going
to unlock the fact that there is a 3-D printer

in the cell called a ribosome, or a naturally
occurring messenger RNA that is read by
the ribosome to produce another protein?”
he said, describing the mechanism by
which the Pfizer vaccine works.
He estimates that the coronavirus crisis
has cost the United States at least $16 tril-
lion in terms of lost lives, lost quality of life,
and lost economic activity. If a pandemic
happens even once a century, spending
something like $160 billion a year in basic
research to prevent it could be justified. The
National Institutes of Health budget, de-
voted to medical research of all types, is
about a quarter of that.
The private sector’s capacity to develop
innovative drugs is not necessarily some-
thing that happens because bold executives
manage their companies better than the
less commercially minded public sector.
Rather, in the United States and Europe,
the progress toward virus treatment and
prevention reflects an interlocking set of in-
stitutions: from the state, funding for basic
research, patent enforcement and safety
regulation; and from industry, the ability to
turn raw ideas into a marketable product.
To get safe and effective drugs, it takes

Government Intervention
Supply chain managers in the auto industry
take their responsibilities seriously. One
supplier’s inability to deliver a crucial part
can stop an entire assembly line and cause
millions of dollars in losses to the “original
equipment” manufacturers, as industry in-
siders call carmakers.
“It is a mortal sin to shut down an O.E.,
and the supply base has been hardened to
that,” said Jeoff Burris, an auto industry
supply chain consultant based in Plymouth,
Mich. “No expense is spared to keep that
from happening.”
When a hurricane prevented trucks from
getting to a supplier, he said, his clients
rented helicopters to ferry workers in —
and parts out — rather than risk a shutdown
of the main assembly line. But helicopters
can’t help if the suppliers go out of business
entirely. And for a few scary months this
year, that appeared possible in the automo-
bile supply chain.
Sales of cars and trucks plunged in March
and April, as Americans stayed home. Au-
tomakers slowed or ceased production.
There was a real risk, Mr. Burris said, that
some of their suppliers — smaller compa-
nies without big cushions of cash — would
shutter permanently and blow a hole in auto
production. That’s what happened in the
2008-09 recession.
It didn’t happen this time. A big part of
why: the Paycheck Protection Program, in-
cluded in the huge Covid aid package
passed by Congress and the Trump admin-
istration in March, which provided forgiv-
able loans to companies that kept their
doors open.
“In 2008 and 2009, parts stopped showing
up at the plant, and it turned out the factory
was padlocked,” Mr. Burris said. “Those
stories have not existed this time, and to me
a big reason for that is the government in-
tervention. And I’m not a fan of government
intervention, so I don’t like to say that.”
Ultimately, there are profound society-
wide risks for which only the collective ac-
tion of the state can provide a form of insur-
ance. After the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, pri-
vate insurers would not write terrorism in-
surance for owners of commercial buildings
for practically any price; the government
stepped in and provided it. In the 2008 fi-
nancial crisis, the collapse of the banking
system created the risk of a broader col-
lapse, and so the government stepped in.
That is the role the government has
played in the pandemic as well. It’s cer-
tainly true of public health: Federal power
and money are being used to ensure that
vaccines are widely available. It is true in
the P.P.P. small-business program, and in
programs for ordinary Americans.
“We say private people can make provi-
sions, but a lot of risks are too big to insure
against privately,” said J.W. Mason, an econ-
omist with John Jay College and the Roose-
velt Institute. “There are risks in the world
we can’t adapt to, make some transaction to
insulate ourselves from, and that is where
the state steps in.”
He has written about the economics of
World War II, when a huge mobilization of
private industry created a formidable war
machine that defeated the Axis powers. One
can celebrate the work of private compa-
nies that achieved new heights of innova-
tion and productivity to supply the military
in that era. But industry succeeded only be-
cause the government deployed its power
and resources to, in effect, provide Ameri-
cans with insurance against a world domi-
nated by Nazis.
When big risks appear on the horizon,
whether it is a pandemic or a global security
threat, it can bring out the best in private
industry, worthy of celebration and ap-
plause. But the history, both distant and
contemporary, shows that business can’t do
it alone.


Capitalism Is Amazing!

(It’s Also Inadequate)


‘A lot of risks are too big

to insure against


THIS IS THE TIMEof year when seniors face
a barrage of messages about their Medicare
coverage — everything from insurance
companies’ direct mail blitzes and televi-
sion ads to the federal government’s emails
and mailings.
All of it focuses on the fall open enroll-
ment season, the annual opportunity to
change coverage. From Oct. 15 until Dec. 7,
enrollees can shop Medicare’s marketplace
for the prescription drug and Advantage
plans offered by commercial insurance
companies. They can also switch between
fee-for-service original Medicare and Ad-

And they will have plenty of choices:
Next year, the typical Medicare enrollee will
be able to choose from 57 Medicare pre-
scription or Advantage plans that include
drug coverage, according to the Kaiser
Family Foundation.
It hasn’t always been this way. At its cre-
ation in 1965, Medicare was envisioned as a
social insurance program. All eligible work-
ers would pay into the system via the pay-
roll tax and pay uniform premiums when
they enrolled at age 65 — and they would all
receive the same coverage.
But privatization of Medicare began in
the 1990s, encouraged by federal policy and
legislation. The marketplace approach ac-
celerated with the introduction of prescrip-
tion drug coverage (Part D) in 2006 and the
rapid growth of Advantage over the past
Proponents of privatization argue that

giving Medicare enrollees plenty of choices,
with competition among health insurance
companies, keeps consumer prices down
and encourages innovation.
That notion hinges on having consumers
roll up their sleeves to compare products
and make changes in order to get the best
prices and coverage. But a new study by the
Kaiser Family Foundation finds that often
doesn’t happen.
The study, based on Medicare’s own en-
rollee survey data, found that 57 percent
didn’t review or compare their coverage op-
tions annually, including 46 percent who
“never” or “rarely” revisited their plans.
Strikingly, two-thirds of beneficiaries 85 or
older don’t review their coverage annually,
and up to 33 percent of this age group say
they never do. People in poor health, or with
low income or education levels, are also
much less likely to shop.

“A large share of the Medicare population
finds this whole task pretty unappealing,
and they just don’t do it,” said Tricia Neu-
man, director of the Medicare policy pro-
gram at the Kaiser Family Foundation and
an author of the report. “That raises ques-
tions about how well the system is work-
The indifference can’t be chalked up to a
shortage of information.
Each September, Medicare sends an An-
nual Notice of Change document (via mail
or email), which lists the changes in a per-
son’s current coverage for the year ahead,
such as the premium and co-pays. Medicare
also mails a thick handbook, “Medicare &
You,” containing detailed information about
plan options. A flurry of email alerts urging
enrollees to shop their coverage using the
Medicare Plan Finder website also go out.


Medicare Choices Leave Many Overwhelmed

More than half of enrollees

don’t review or compare their

coverage options annually.

Shopping around on the
Medicare marketplace is
‘unappealing’ for a
majority of enrollees.

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