Farm Bioma vegetables and aromatic plants
of organic farming...
Organic plants for professional farmers
to amateur gardeners.
We propagate...
Vegetables and aromatic-medicinal plants since
the spring of 2005.
We contribute to...
The protection of local biodiversity and labeling
quality farm products.
We respect...
The customer and the environment, that is why
we do not use agrochemicals at any stage of the
production process.
2 nd km. Aridea - Thessaloniki, Aridea, Prefecture of Pella, PC 58400
Tel. no: (+30) 23840 21193, Fax no: (+30) 23840 21363, http://www.bioma.gr, [email protected]
Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/farmbioma
Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/Farmbioma, plant nursery Blog - ktimabioma.blogspot.gr
Blog Greeks farmers with Organic Aromatic and Medicinal plants - herbsgreece.blogspot.gr
Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/Herbsgr
Organic vegetables and aromatic plants nursery