Times 2 - UK (2020-11-16)

(Antfer) #1


Word watch Sudoku Easy No 11,961 Difficult No 11,962 Fiendish No 11,

David Parfitt


a An island in a shallow
b A bejewelled headdress

c A pannier bag for a


a Extreme vanity
b Violent emotion
caused by wanting

something unobtainable
c An interruption in an
insect’s life cycle

a A Turkish hair-
removing fluid

b A grammatical
c Particles of corroded

Answers on page 15

The Times Quick Cryptic No 1745 by Wurm

1 Applaud catch that’s rubbish?
6 New beer knocked back in
style (4)
8 Shakespeare nasty about
Romeo (4)
9 First course study with French
department (8)
10 Carer she misled in fact-
finding (8)
12 Comprehensive with no spare
places? (4)
13 Benefit sheltering theologian
in breeze (6)
16 Write critical assessment on
Panorama? (6)
17 Small vehicle showing damage
18 Bumpkin holding hearts in
game (8)
21 Tea bag so explosively causes
destruction (8)
22 The setter’s rich source (4)
23 Supreme creator gets racket on
ball (4)
24 Race generating more than
local interest? (8)

2 Rental contract to satisfy
without pressure at first (5)
3 Shell in Aleppo detonates (3)
4 Fast driver expert in Rolls-
Royce (5)
5 Leopard one breathless
catching horse? (7)
6 Game is on TV — fee to be
arranged (4,5)
7 Animal savaged Edinburgh’s
foremost author (1,1,5)
11 Bedcover has colour that is
turning blue (9)
14 Where one grows fruit or
vegetable (7)
15 Describe partner that was
unattractive (7)
19 Personage finally opening
show? (5)
20 Assassin hiding in town in
Japan (5)
22 Low feeling daughter ignored

12 3 4 5 67

8 9

10 11 12

13 14 15 16

17 18 19 20

21 22

23 24

Friday’s solution on page 15




Fill the grid so that every column, every row and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.

Place the numbers 1 to 9 in the spaces so
that the number in each circle is equal to
the sum of the four surrounding spaces,
and each colour total is correct

The Times Daily Quiz Olav Bjortomt

Answers on page 15

1 Which Sylvester
Stallone movie
character is nicknamed

“The Italian Stallion”?

2 Selenology is the
scientific study of what

celestial body?

3 In 2016, who stepped

down after 13 years as
the host of the TV
show QI?

4 Paramaribo is the
capital of which South
American country?

5 In 1927, which
Turkish leader
delivered a 36-hour

speech, known as the
“Nutuk”, about Turkey’s
1919-23 history?

6 Which Asian
country’s Songbun
system divides the

population into the
“core”, the “wavering”
and the “hostile”?

7 In 1979, Air New
Zealand Flight 901 flew
into which active
volcano on Ross Island,

8 Cleopatra supposedly
won a bet by drinking a

cup of vinegar containing
a dissolved what?

9 Stanley Myers’s 1970
classical guitar piece
Cavatina was used as the
theme for which
Vietnam War film?

10 Per capita, which
Nordic country drinks the
most coffee in the world?

11 Which alternate
name for a hex key
comes from a hand
tool brand from
Hartford, Connecticut?

12 Led by Hasdrubal
Barca, a Carthaginian
invasion of Italy was
thwarted at which June
207BC battle?

13 Which pioneering
physical educator (1875-
1957) in the French
military developed a
training system called la
méthode naturelle?

14 Winston Smith,
nicknamed “Jeeves”, is
the butler of which
video game heroine?

15 Who is the pictured
British sprinter?

Suko No 3022

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See page 10

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