The Mind and Its Education - George Herbert Betts

(Perpustakaan Sri Jauhari) #1

willing to sacrifice himself for the good of all. Interest in moral questions is
beginning, and right and wrong are no longer things which may or may not be
done without rebuke or punishment. The great problem at this stage is to direct
the interest into ways of adapting the means to ends and into willingness to work
under voluntary attention for the accomplishment of the desired end.

The Interests of Adolescence.—Finally, with the advent of puberty, comes the
last stage in the development of interests before adult life. This period is not
marked by the birth of new interests so much as by a deepening and broadening
of those already begun. The end sought becomes an increasingly larger factor,
whether in play or in work. Mere activity itself no longer satisfies. The youth can
now play team games; for his social interests are taking shape, and he can
subordinate himself for the good of the group. Interest in the opposite sex takes
on a new phase, and social form and mode of dress receive attention. A new
consciousness of self emerges, and the youth becomes introspective. Questions
of the ultimate meaning of things press for solution, and what and who am I,
demands an answer.

At this age we pass from a régime of obedience to one of self-control, from an
ethics of authority to one of individualism. All the interests are now taking on a
more definite and stable form, and are looking seriously toward life vocations.
This is a time of big plans and strenuous activity. It is a crucial period in our life,
fraught with pitfalls and dangers, with privileges and opportunities. At this
strategic point in our life's voyage we may anchor ourselves with right interests
to a safe manhood and a successful career; or we may, with wrong interests, bind
ourselves to a broken life of discouragement and defeat.


  1. Try making a list of your most important interests in order of their strength.
    Suppose you had made such a list five years ago, where would it have differed
    from the present list? Are you ever obliged to perform any activities in which
    you have little or no interest, either directly or indirectly? Can you name any
    activities in which you once had a strong interest but which you now perform
    chiefly from force of habit and without much interest?

  2. Have you any interests of which you are not proud? On the other hand, do you
    lack certain interests which you feel that you should possess? What interests are
    you now trying especially to cultivate? To suppress? Have you as broad a field

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