The Mind and Its Education - George Herbert Betts

(Perpustakaan Sri Jauhari) #1

of interests as you can well take care of? Have you so many interests that you are
slighting the development of some of the more important ones?

  1. Observe several recitations for differences in the amount of interest shown.
    Account for these differences. Have you ever observed an enthusiastic teacher
    with an uninterested class? A dull, listless teacher with an interested class?

  2. A father offers his son a dollar for every grade on his term report which is
    above ninety; what type of interest relative to studies does this appeal to? What
    do you think of the advisability of giving prizes in connection with school work?

  3. Most children in the elementary school are not interested in technical
    grammar; why not? Histories made up chiefly of dates and lists of kings or
    presidents are not interesting; what is the remedy? Would you call any teaching
    of literature, history, geography, or science successful which fails to develop an
    interest in the subject?

  4. After careful observation, make a statement of the differences in the typical
    play interests of boys and girls; of children of the third grade and the eighth

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