The Mind and Its Education - George Herbert Betts

(Perpustakaan Sri Jauhari) #1


Action, automatic, 275
classes of, 273
factors involved in, 59
reflex, 274
volitional, 276

Activity, necessity for motor, 56

Adolescence, interests of, 269

Association, and action, 149
chapter on, 144
development of centers, 57
laws of, 150
and methods of learning, 157
and memory, 146
nature of, 144
neural basis of, 145
partial or selective, 153
pleasure-pain motive in, 155
and thinking, 149
training in, 155
types of, 150

Attention, chapter on, 15
effects of, 16
and efficiency, 17
points of failure in, 20
habit of, 27 , 73
improvement of, 26
method of, 18

Attention, nature of, 15

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