The Mind and Its Education - George Herbert Betts

(Perpustakaan Sri Jauhari) #1
rhythms of,  20
types of, 22

Belief, in thinking, 180

Brain, chapter on, 30
and nervous system, 30
quality and memory, 162
relations of mind and, 30

Cerebellum, the, 37

Cerebrum, the, 37

Concept, the, 187
definition of, 189
function of, 187
growth of, 188
and language, 189

Consciousness, content of, 10
known by introspection, 2
the mind or, 1
nature of, 4
personal character of, 1
as a stream, 5
where it resides, 12

Cord, the spinal, 40

Cortex, the, 39
division of labor in, 45

Decision, under effort, 281
types of, 279

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