The Mind and Its Education - George Herbert Betts

(Perpustakaan Sri Jauhari) #1

Idea, and image, 111 , 114

Image(ry), ability in, 118
chapter on, 111
classes of, 117

Image(ry), cultivation of, 123
and past experience, 111
functions of, 120
and ideas, 111 , 114
and imagination, 134
types of, 119

Imagination, chapter on, 127
and conduct, 133
cultivation of, 136 , 140
function of, 127
the stuff of, 134
and thinking, 134
types of, 138

Imitation, conscious and unconscious, 212
individuality in, 211
the instinct of, 210
in learning, 211

Induction, 197

Instinct(s), chapter on, 201
definition of, 202
of fear, 221
of imitation, 210
laws of, 205
nature of, 201
of play, 214
as starting points in development, 209
transitory nature of, 206
various undesirable, 222
various useful, 218

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