The Mind and Its Education - George Herbert Betts

(Perpustakaan Sri Jauhari) #1
factors determining efficiency  of,  50
and fatigue, 62
gross structure of, 36

Nervous system, and nutrition, 64
order of development, 60
structural elements in, 34
and worry, 62

Objects, defined through perception, 101
physical qualities of, 87 , 89

Percept, content of, 101
functions of, 103

Perception, chapter on, 98
of direction, 105
function of, 98
nature of, 100
of space, 104
of time, 106
training of, 108

Personality, and habit, 75
influence of, 213

Play, and education, 215
instinct of, 214
and work, 217

Qualities, sensory, auditory, 92
cutaneous, 94
kinæsthetic, 96
objects known through, 85
olfactory, 94
organic, 96

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