The Mind and Its Education - George Herbert Betts

(Perpustakaan Sri Jauhari) #1

scheme of pedagogy from the times of the Hebrews to the Age of the Montessori
method. No time is wasted on detailed considerations of other systems. Professor
Duggan's book aids the teacher by giving him a better understanding of present-
day problems in education; by explaining how Western Civilization developed
the educational ideals, content, organization, and practices which characterize it
today; and by developing the manner in which each people has worked out the
solution of the great problem of reconciling individual liberty with social

New York Chicago



By Irving King, Ph. D.
Professor of Education, The State University of Iowa,
Iowa City, Iowa.

12mo., Cloth, $1.50 net

Written not so much for the educational specialist as for the practical needs of
busy teachers, "Education For Social Efficiency" presents through the medium
of illustration, a social view of education which is very prominent. It shows
concretely various ways in which parents as well as teachers may contribute
something towards the realization of the ideal of social efficiency as the goal of
our educational enterprise.

The idea that the school, especially the country school, should provide more than
instruction in lessons for the scholars is Professor King's main point. Excellent
chapters are included on The School as a Social Center, The School and Social
Progress, and the Social Aim of Education. In discussing the rural schools
particularly, the author writes on The Rural School and the Rural Community,
Adapting the Country School to Country Needs, and an especially valuable
chapter on The Consolidated School and Socially Efficient Education for the

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