Youth_ Its Education, Regimen, and Hygiene - G. Stanley Hall
when I began to develop the physical, and filled my gymnasium with the ordinary appliances used in men' ...
agenic woman, be she nut, maid—old or young—nun, school-teacher, or bachelor woman. I recognize the very g ...
much and is likely to owe far more to high Platonic friendships of this kind. These women are often in ...
step of devising a scheme that shall fit woman's nature and needs. For the slow evolution of such a s ...
girls' weakness is usually imaginary or laziness, and that doctors are to blame for suggesting illness and for ...
health and happiness, the prime condition and creator of euphoria; and the appetite should be, as it always is ...
Manners, a word too often relegated to the past as savoring of the primness of the ancient dame schoo ...
instruction, and to leave it to reading is too indirect and causes the mind to dwell on it for too long pe ...
deferred until after eighteen. The juvenile well as the cyclone revivalist should be very carefully exclu ...
called a woman's botany, constructed on lines different from any of the text- books I have glanced at. Here ...
individual tastes amply and judiciously fed, but there should be no special training in music without some ...
and future generations shall not rebel against these influences until they have wrought their perfect work. The m ...
be the first in this higher field, to lead man and pay her debt to his educational institutions, by resuming ...
magnet in all the universe that points steadfastly to the undiscovered pole of human destiny. We know w ...
[Footnote 7: Physical Hindrances to Teaching Girls, by Charlotte W. Porter. Forum, September, 1891, vol. 1 ...
CHAPTER XII MORAL AND RELIGIOUS TRAINING Dangers of muscular degeneration and overstimulus of brain—Difficulties ...
from without, and one constant and only duty, is a schooling in perseverance and sustained effort such ...
which are its organ, or how endurance and self-control, no less than great achievement, depend on muscle-hab ...
end of life, proximate from ultimate grounds of obligation, or finite from infinite duties. Those whose tra ...
drama. Everything, however, has a distinct moral lesson, although that lesson is not made offensively promi ...
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