The inhabitants of Bouru, one of the islands of the Malay Archipelago, profess a
creed which was taught them by one called Nabiata. From some of its articles he
would seem to have been a Mohammedan, or acquainted with
Mohammedanism; but whence he came, or how, or when he made his way to
Bouru, it is impossible to ascertain. The natives say that there is one Supreme
Being, Who created all things, and is the source of both good and evil. He
permits the existence of evil spirits. Those who pray to Him He rewards with
prosperity; those who neglect this duty He never fails to punish. It was owing to
His infinite love for man that He sent him this inspired teacher Nabiata, who
resided among the mountains, and delivered his Master’s will in seven
- Thou shalt not kill nor wound.
- Thou shalt not steal.
- Thou shalt not commit adultery.
- Thou shalt not set thyself up against thy fenna (priest.)
- A man shall not set himself up against the chief of his tribe.
- A chief shall not set himself up against him who is over his or other tribes.
- The chief over more than one tribe shall not set himself up against him who is
placed over all the tribes.
Nabiata also taught that though the body perishes, the soul will live for ever; that
those who keep the foregoing commandments, (and all the acts of men are duly
recorded by the Supreme Being,) shall dwell in His presence far above the
firmament; while those who have lived wickedly shall never rise to the abode of
the happy, nor shall they remain upon earth, but for ever and ever, lonely and in
sorrow, wander among the clouds, yearning with a desire that can never be
fulfilled, to join their brethren in the heaven above or on the earth beneath.
Nabiata also introduced the rite of circumcision, and ordained that it should be
performed on children of both sexes when they attained the age of eight or ten