Reference is here made to two snakes, which, as we have seen, is the hierogram
of the worshippers of the Two Principles, each being represented by a serpent.
Generally, however, it is one serpent only that issues from the winged circle, and
sometimes the circle is without wings. As a consecrating symbol, the ophite
hierogram was inscribed upon the massive portals of the Egyptian temples. Mr.
Deane contends that the Druids “with the consistent magnificence which
characterised their religion,” transferred the symbol from the portal to the
temple; and instead of placing the circle and serpent over the entrance into their
sanctuaries, erected the whole building in the form of the ophite hierogram, as at
Abury in Wiltshire, and Stanton Drew in Somersetshire. The former represents
the ophite hierogram with one serpent, the latter is double; in both cases the
circle has no wings.
In Argyllshire, near Oban, exists a huge serpent-shaped mound, discovered by
Mr. Phené in 1871, which must be mentioned in this connection. Looking down
upon it from the high ground to the westward, you see it rising conspicuously
from the flat grassy plain, which extends for some distance on either side, with
scarcely an undulation, save two artificial circular mounds, in one of which lie
several large stones forming a cromlech. A recent visitor writes:
“Finding ourselves in the very presence of the Great Dragon, we hastened to
improve our acquaintance, and in a couple of minutes had scrambled on to the
ridge which forms his backbone, and thence perceived that we were standing on
an artificial mound three hundred feet in length, forming a double curve like a
huge letter S, and wonderfully perfect in anatomical outline. This we perceived
the more perfectly on reaching the head, which lies at the western end, whence
diverge small ridges, which may have represented the paws of the reptile. On the
head rests a circle of stones, supposed to be emblematic of the solar disc, and
exactly corresponding with the solar circle as represented on the head of the
mystic serpents of Egypt and Phœnicia, and in the great American Serpent
Mound. At the time of Mr. Phené’s first visit to this spot there still remained in
the centre of this circle some traces of an altar, which, thanks to the depredations
of cattle and herd-boys, have since wholly disappeared....
“The circle was excavated on the 12th of October, 1871, and within it were
found three large stones, forming a chamber, which contained burnt human
bones, charcoal, and charred hazel-nuts. Surely the spirits of our Pagan ancestors
must rejoice to see how faithfully we, their descendants, continue to burn our
hazel-nuts on Hallow-e’en, their old autumnal Fire Festival, though our modern
divination is practised only with reference to such a trivial matter as the faith of