Curiosities of Superstition, and Sketches - W. H. Davenport Adams

(Perpustakaan Sri Jauhari) #1

Caste, Brahman, 14.

Cat, adventures of a, 218.

Ceremonies, Hindu, 6 ;
Eskimo, 275.

Chandu, Palace of, 163.

Charms, Scottish, 310.

China, in, 119.

Chinese offerings to gods, 139.

Chinese temples, 132.

Chunda Sen, Babu Keshub, 97.

Chung-Yung, 123.

Confucianism, 119.

Confucius, Life of, 120.

Court of Justice, an Eskimo, 277.

Cumming, Miss Gordon, Experiences of, 1 ;
quoted, 3.

Daksha, sacrifice of, 103.

Debendunath Tagore, 97.

Devil-dancing, 91.

Divination, 319.

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