Curiosities of Superstition, and Sketches - W. H. Davenport Adams

(Perpustakaan Sri Jauhari) #1

Hilarion, S., 280.

Hindu Mythology, the, 99.

Hindus, the, 203.

Hindu Temples, Ceremonies of the, 6.

Hiouen-thsang, Career of, 26.

Idol Worship, 221.

Indians, North American, 254.

Jerusalem Talmud, the, 72.

Jewish Superstitions, 68.

Jugglery, 163.

Khudas, the, 89.

King, or, the Five Canonical Works, 125.

Lao-tsze, the Chinese Philosopher, 129.

Lun-Yu, the, 124.

Magianism, 43.

Maize, Indian reverence for the, 273.

Malays, among the, 142.

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