Curiosities of Superstition, and Sketches - W. H. Davenport Adams

(Perpustakaan Sri Jauhari) #1

Parsees, the, 43.

Peace-pipe, the Indian, 270.

Polo, Marco, 161.

Polynesian Sacrifices, 228.

Polynesian Superstitions, 214.

Prayer-Wheels of the Buddhists, 1.

Public Games, 109.

Puranas, the, 99.

Rammohun Roy, Life of, 92.

Red Men, the, 257.

Religion, Brahman, 14 , 84 ;
Buddhism, 16 ;
Parsee, 43 ;
Chinese, 119 ;
among the Malays, 142 ;
the Dyaks, 145 ;
in Bouru, 146 ;
among the Papuan tribes, 147 ;
the Orang-lauts, 152 ;
Savage nations of Asia, 155 ;
in Tibet, 161 ;
Zabianism, 186 ;
in Polynesia, 214 ;
among the Fiji-islanders, 230 ;
the Maories, 241 ;
North American Indians, 254.

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