Malay Magic _ Being an introduction to the - Walter William Skeat

(Perpustakaan Sri Jauhari) #1

out to look for the tell-tale end of the line that floats up among the forked roots
of the mangrove trees. First you must go to the place where you left the floating
platform; take hold of the pole to which it is moored and press it downwards into
the river-bottom, saying (to the hooked crocodile) as you do so:—

“Do not run away,
Our agreement was a cape (further) up-stream,
A cape (further) down-stream.”^299

(Here hold your breath and press upon the pole.) Then wait for the tide to turn,
search for the end of the line (which, being of rattan, is sure to float) up and
down the river banks, and when you find it take hold of the end and give it three
tugs, repeating as you do so this “crippling charm”:—

“I  know    the origin  from    which   you sprang,
From Fatimah did you take your origin.
Your bones (she made from) sugar-cane knots,
Your head from the cabbage of a cocoa-nut palm,
The skin of your breast from the leaf-case of a palm,
Your blood from saffron,
Your eyes from the star of the east,
Your teeth from the pointed suckers of the bĕrĕmbang tree,
Your tail from the sprouting of a thatch-palm.”

As you utter the last words give the end of the line three twists (pioh) and then
clench the teeth upon it (katup di gigi) thrice, holding your breath as you do so;
then jerk it (rentak) thrice and haul upon it (runtun); if you feel much resistance
slack it off again and repeat the ceremony, using the “crippling charm” as
before, “until you break all the bones in his body.” Besides this, in order to drive
the “mischief” out of the crocodile, you may say:—

“Pardon,    King    of  the Sea,    God of  Currents,
I wish to drive the ‘mischief’ out of this crocodile.”^300

And strike the water and middle of the line with the end of the line itself.

Now you haul on the line, and the crocodile comes up to the top with a rush, and
the fun begins. As he comes up to the surface you ask him, “Was it you who

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