Malay Magic _ Being an introduction to the - Walter William Skeat

(Perpustakaan Sri Jauhari) #1

Patterns    used    for decorating  the ends    of  the wedding pillows.

Page    378.

The bride’s hair is done up in a roll (sanggul) and this is surmounted with a
head-dress of artificial flowers (called g’rak gĕmpa), cut out of p’rada kresek
(“crackling tinsel”) and raised on fine wires; her forehead is bound with a band
or fillet of tinsel—gold-leaf (p’rada Siam) being used by the rich—which is
called tĕkan kundei, and is carried round by the fringe of the hair (gigi rambut)

down to the top of each ear (pĕlipis)^84 ; for the rest the bride is clad in a
“wedding jacket” (baju pĕngantin), which has tight-fitting sleeves extending
down to the wrist, or sleeves with gathers (simak) over the arm, and which is

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