Malay Magic _ Being an introduction to the - Walter William Skeat

(Perpustakaan Sri Jauhari) #1

when a set of models of the Selangor regalia were being made for me, with the late Sultan’s
full permission and knowledge, I found it impossible to get them made really like the originals
either in shape or size, the makers alleging their fear of being struck dead in spite of this
permission by this Divine Power or “Daulat” if they were to imitate them too accurately. In
Perak the custom would appear to be less strict. Thus from Malay Sketches (p. 215) we may
gather that in the “silver” state even the most sacred pieces of the regalia accompany the royal
party upon their annual expedition to seek for turtles’ eggs. ↑

“The kabesaran or regalia of every petty state is supposed to be endowed with supernatural
powers, for instance that of the ex-Panghulu of Naning.”—Newbold, op. cit. vol. ii. p. 193. ↑

Ibid. ↑

Ibid. p. 195. ↑

Leyden, Malay Annals, pp. 22–23. The words in brackets are mine.—W. S. ↑

Newbold, op. cit. vol. ii. p. 199; cp. Leyden, Mal. Annals, pp. 38, 39. Limbuara, limbuana, or
sĕmbuana (= singhabuana) is the name given to the lance of the Spectre Huntsman, (vide
Chap. V. p. 118), whose k’ris is called salĕngkisa. It has been suggested that singhabuana may
be composed of two Sanskrit words meaning “lion” and “world,” but put in the Malay order,
which is the opposite of Sanskrit. If this supposition is accepted, the name would mean “lion of
the world,” vide App. xxviii.–xxx. ↑

J.R.A.S., S.B., No. 9, pp. 91, 92. ↑

It would appear from Malay romances that the full complement of musical instruments forming
part of a royal orchestra was, at all events sometimes, twelve. Thus when S’ri Rama is bidden
by the astrologers to get up an expedition by water for the amusement of his Princess, “dresses
of honour were given to the attendants, and musical instruments of the twelve kinds were got
together.”—Maxw., in Sri Rama, J.R.A.S., S.B., No. 17, p. 93. ↑

This list was given me by H. H. Raja Bôt of Selangor. Besides the above there are several royal
“properties” not usually included in any list of regalia. These are H. H.’s chain jacket (baju
rantei); a species of shield or targe, said to be made of brass, and called otar-otar; H. H.’s seal,

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