Malay Magic _ Being an introduction to the - Walter William Skeat

(Perpustakaan Sri Jauhari) #1

s.v.), but the phrase may possibly be corrupt. ↑

Sambu Agak, Sambu Agai: in other charms “Jambu Rakai” is given, which evidently
corresponds to “Sambu Agai,” and is the name given to the human being who, according to
what must undoubtedly be the older (pre-Muhammadan) legend, was metamorphosed into the
crocodile. The story which makes the first crocodile a plaything into which Muhammad’s
daughter Fatimah gave life, must at any rate in that respect be much modified by
Muhammadan ideas, but there are indications here which seem to point to the interweaving of
two separate stories (v. supra). ↑

Em. Kalimu ’llah, the special title of Moses. ↑

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