Malay Magic _ Being an introduction to the - Walter William Skeat

(Perpustakaan Sri Jauhari) #1

[clxxxiv] Tilek Penyakit

Another method of “water-gazing,” by looking into a cup containing saliva
produced by chewing betel

The directions for this ceremony run as follows:—

Get (preferably) a woman (or failing a woman, a man), to chew up for you three
“chews” of betel-leaf (betel-leaf with meeting leaf-ribs (sirih bertĕmu urat) is
the best). Receive the saliva in a cup and cover it over with a betel-leaf.
Fumigate it with incense and then remove the covering, and “gaze” at it (tilek)
intently. The following are the signs which you must look for:—

(1) If  it  looks   yellowish   it  shows   that    the patient has been    affected    by  rain    in  the heat
of the day.
(Kalau rĕchak-rechak kuning rupa chahia-nya, kena hujan panas.)

(2) If  it  is  pitted  (with   hollows)    it  shows   that    the patient has been    affected    by  a
stopped-up well or buffalo-wallow.
(Kalau rupa berlubok-lubok, kena prigi buta atau kubangan.)

(3) If  it  has long    streaks running right   through it, it  shows   that    the patient has been
affected by the Heart of Wood.
(Kalau rupa-nya berurat panjang terjantang ayer sirih-nya, kena tĕras ada-nya.)

(4) If  round,  he  has been    affected    by  a   hidden  tree-stump.

(Kalau  rupa-nya    bulat,  kena    tunggul buta.)
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