Malay Magic _ Being an introduction to the - Walter William Skeat

(Perpustakaan Sri Jauhari) #1

[cxcvi] Penawar Orang Darat

Sirih   gunta,  pinang  gunta,
Memanjat kerakap puar;
Inchit nyah Hantu Jembalang Buta,
Tawar jampi nenek ’dah kaluar!

The ingredients are two or three leaves of sirih gunta, an areca-nut, black
pepper, bawang merah, chĕkor, bunglei, lengkuas, brazil-wood (sepang), ebony
(kayu arang), jerangau, and a porcupine quill (duri landak). Grate these and mix
them well up together, and when there is a slight storm on (hari ribut kechil),
take the mixture into the mouth and spit it out upon the patient. The only taboo
mentioned is that neither cats nor fowls must be allowed to come in contact with
the amulets of the patient (di-langgarkan tangkal-nya).

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