The Talking Beasts_ A Book of Fable Wisdom - Nora Archibald Smith

(Perpustakaan Sri Jauhari) #1

In a similar way I have sometimes seen other embarrassed people set straight
their affairs. Take a look at them as they dash away. They have all got on
Trishka's caftan.

The Elephant as Governor

An Elephant was once appointed ruler of a forest. Now it is well known that the
race of elephants is endowed with great intelligence; but every family has its
unworthy scion. Our Governor was as stout as the rest of his race are, but as
foolish as the rest of his race are not. As to his character, he would not
intentionally hurt a fly. Well, the worthy Governor becomes aware of a petition
laid before him by the Sheep, stating that their skins are entirely torn off their
backs by the Wolves.

"Oh, rogues!" cries the Elephant, "what a crime! Who gave you leave to

But the Wolves say:

"Allow us to explain, O father. Did not you give us leave to take from the Sheep
a trifling contribution for our pelisses in winter? It is only because they are
stupid sheep that they cry out. They have only a single fleece taken from each of
them, but they grumble about giving even that!"

"Well, well," says the Elephant, "take care what you do. I will not permit any
one to commit injustice. As it must be so, take a fleece from each of them. But
do not take from them a single hair besides."

The Quartette

The tricksy Monkey, the Goat, the Ass, and bandy-legged Mishka the Bear,
determine to play a quartette. They provide themselves with the necessary pieces
of music—with two fiddles, and with an alto and a counter-bass. Then they sit
down on a meadow under a lime-tree, prepared to enchant the world by their
skill. They work away at their fiddlesticks with a will; and they make a noise,
but there is no music in it.

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