The Talking Beasts_ A Book of Fable Wisdom - Nora Archibald Smith

(Perpustakaan Sri Jauhari) #1
    Took    to  her wings   to  save    her ears.
'Tis strange when some of learned fame

Will prove their title to the name,
How often ill-placed praise they mar,
And show how ignorant they are.

The Flint and the Steel

    The Flint,  with    language    harsh   and high,
Accused the Steel of cruelty
In striking her with all his might,
Whene'er he wanted fire and light.
The Steel the imputation spurned,
And with such warmth the contest burned
That both, at last, agreed to slip
Their contract of companionship.
"Good-by then, madame," said the one;
"And since my company you shun,
And to continue with me, doubt,
We'll see what use you are without."
"About as much as you will be,
Good sir," she answered, "without me."
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