The Talking Beasts_ A Book of Fable Wisdom - Nora Archibald Smith

(Perpustakaan Sri Jauhari) #1


    Acorn   and the Pumpkin,    The.    La  Fontaine    (French)
Aesop and His Fellow Servants. Aesop (Greek)
Amelia and the Spider. Anonymous (English)
Animals' Peace Party, The. (Chinese)
Animals Sick of the Plague, The. La Fontaine (French)
Ant and the Fly, The. Aesop (Greek)
Ass and His Master, The. Aesop (Greek)
Ass and His Purchaser, The. Aesop (Greek)
Ass and His Shadow, The. Aesop (Greek)
Ass and the Dog, The. La Fontaine (French)
Ass and the Lap-dog, The. La Fontaine (French)
Ass Carrying Relics, The. La Fontaine (French)
Ass in the Lion's Skin, The. Aesop (Greek)

Bat and the Two Weasels, The. La Fontaine (French)
Bear and the Fowls, The. Aesop (Greek)
Bear, the Monkey and the Pig, The. Yriarte (Spanish)
Bee and the Cuckoo, The. Yriarte (Spanish)
Belling the Cat. Aesop (Greek)
Birds and the Monkeys, The. Hitopadesa (Sanskrit)
Blackamoor, The. Aesop (Greek)
Blue Jackal, The. Hitopadesa (Sanskrit)
Boasting Traveller, The. Aesop (Greek)
Boy and the Filberts, The. Aesop (Greek)
Boy and the Wolf, The. Aesop (Greek)
Boys and the Frogs, The. Aesop (Greek)
Brahmin and the Goat, The. Hitopadesa (Sanskrit)
Buffoon and the Countryman, The. Aesop (Greek)
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