The Talking Beasts_ A Book of Fable Wisdom - Nora Archibald Smith

(Perpustakaan Sri Jauhari) #1
    Builder of  Ability and the Builder of  Haste,  The.    (African)

Camel and His Master, The. Aesop (Greek)
Camel and the Pig, The. Raju (Indian)
Cat and the Fox, The. La Fontaine (French)
Cat and the Mice, The. Aesop (Greek)
Cat and the Two Sparrows, The. La Fontaine (French)
Chameleon, The. Aesop (Greek)
City Rat and the Country Rat, The. La Fontaine (French)
Cock and the Fox, The. La Fontaine (French)
Cock and the Jewel, The. Aesop (Greek)
Council of Horses, The. Gay (English)
Country Fellow and the River, A. Aesop (Greek)
Countryman and the Serpent, The. La Fontaine (French)
Crab and Its Mother, The. Aesop (Greek)
Crane and the Fool, The. Raju (Indian)
Crow and the Mussel, The. Aesop (Greek)
Crow and the Partridge, The. Bidpai (Indian)
Crow and the Pitcher, The. Aesop (Greek)
Cuckoo and the Cock, The. Krilof (Russian)
Cuckoo and the Eagle, The. Krilof (Russian)
Cuckoo and the Turtle-dove, The. Krilof (Russian)

Dairywoman and the Pot of Milk, The. La Fontaine (French)
Deer and the Lion, The. Aesop (Greek)
Demian's Fish Soup. Krilof (Russian)
Despot and the Wag, The. Raju (Indian)
Discontented Ass, The. Aesop (Greek)
Dog and His Shadow, The. Aesop (Greek)
Dog and the Crocodile, The. Aesop (Greek)
Dog and the Kingship. (African)
Dog in the Manger, The. Aesop (Greek)
Dove and the Ant, The. La Fontaine (French)
Drop of Rain, The. Anonymous (English)
Duck and the Serpent, The. Yriarte (Spanish)
Eagle and the Beetle, The. La Fontaine (French)
Eagle and the Mole, The. Krilof (Russian)
Eagle and the Owl, The. Aesop (Greek)
Eagle and the Owl, The. La Fontaine (French)
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