Malayan Literature_ Comprising Romantic Ta - Unknown

(Perpustakaan Sri Jauhari) #1

The athlete commenced, and made many attempts without succeeding in lifting
it. At last, mustering all his strength, he raised it to the height of his knee and let
it fall again.

"Now it is your turn, my master," he said.

"Very good," answered Badang, and lifting the stone he swung it in the air, then
hurled it toward the river, at the entrance to the town, where it is still seen at the
extremity of the point of Singapore.

The athlete of Kling, thus vanquished, handed to Badang the seven vessels and
their cargoes; then he returned, very much saddened and mortified by his defeat.

Now the report came to the country of Perlak that there was at Singapore an
officer of the King named Badang without a rival in extraordinary strength. The
King of Perlak, so runs the story, had an athlete named Bandarang, also very
strong and of a great reputation. This athlete was before the King when they
spoke of Badang.

"My lord," he asked, "is Badang stronger than I am? If you will permit me, I will
go to Singapore to try an assault with him."

"Very well; go to Singapore," said the King. Turning to the prime minister, Toun
Parapatih, he said:

"Get ready a praho, for I am going to send Bandarang to Singapore." When all
was ready, a royal litter was prepared and the minister embarked with the
athlete, and after a while reached Singapore. Prince Sri Rana Ouira Krama
received the King's litter in the audience- chamber, among the radjas, ministers,
body-guards, heralds, and other grand officers upon his command.

Then the prince, addressing the ambassador, asked: "With what commission is
our brother charged?"

The ambassador replied: "Behold, I have received the command of your
illustrious younger brother to bring here this subject Bandarang, to try his
strength with Badang. If Bandarang is vanquished, your brother will place at
your Majesty's feet the contents of a storehouse; and if Badang succumbs, you
shall offer us the equivalent."

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