often six feet high and twelve feet across, in the middle of which they bury their
eggs. The natives can tell by the condition of these mounds whether they contain
eggs or not; and they rob them whenever they can, as the brick-red eggs (as large
as those of a swan) are considered a great delicacy. A number of birds are said to
join in making these mounds and lay their eggs together, so that sometimes forty
or fifty may be found. The mounds are to be met with here and there in dense
thickets, and are great puzzles to strangers, who cannot understand who can
possibly have heaped together cartloads of rubbish in such out-of-the-way
places; and when they inquire of the natives they are but little wiser, for it almost
always appears to them the wildest romance to be told that it is all done by birds.
The species found in Lombock is about the size of a small hen, and entirely of
dark olive and brown tints. It is a miscellaneous feeder, devouring fallen fruits,
earthworms, snails, and centipedes, but the flesh is white and well-flavoured
when properly cooked.
The large green pigeons were still better eating, and were much more
plentiful. These fine birds, exceeding our largest tame pigeons in size, abounded
on the palm-trees, which now bore huge bunches of fruits—mere hard globular
nuts, about an inch in diameter, and covered with a dry green skin and a very
small portion of pulp. Looking at the pigeon's bill and head, it would seem
impossible that it could swallow such large masses, or that it could obtain any
nourishment from them; yet I often shot these birds with several palm-fruits in
the crop, which generally burst when they fell to the ground. I obtained here
eight species of Kingfishers; among which was a very beautiful new one, named
by Mr. Gould, Halcyon fulgidus. It was found always in thickets, away from
water, and seemed to feed on snails and insects picked up from the ground after
the manner of the great Laughing Jackass of Australia. The beautiful little violet
and orange species (Ceyx rufidorsa) is found in similar situations, and darts
rapidly along like a flame of fire. Here also I first met with the pretty Australian
Bee-eater (Merops ornatus). This elegant little bird sits on twigs in open places,
gazing eagerly around, and darting off at intervals to seize some insect which it
sees flying near; returning afterwards to the same twig to swallow it. Its long,
sharp, curved bill, the two long narrow feathers in its tail, its beautiful green
plumage varied with rich brown and black and vivid blue on the throat, render it
one of the most graceful and interesting objects a naturalist can see for the first
Of all the birds of Lombock, however, I sought most after the beautiful
ground thrushes (Pitta concinna), and always thought myself lucky if I obtained
one. They were found only in the dry plains densely covered with thickets, and