In Court and Kampong _ Being Tales and Ske - Sir Hugh Charles Clifford

(Perpustakaan Sri Jauhari) #1


In the original text Malay words were spelled with diacritics
or accents, namely:

breves  (e.g.   ĕ), indicating  short   vowels;

circumflexes    (e.g.   â)  indicating  long    vowels;

vowels   with    diaeresis   (e.g.   ä)  indicating  vowels  which
should be sounded separately;

glottal stops   such    as  in  "Dato’".

This file is encoded for the ISO-8851-1 character set.
Although some of the diacritics are not found in ISO-8859-1,
they can be rendered as html numeric entities. Hence this file
does not need unicode and you should be able to display it
correctly as long as your browser can handle ISO-8859-1.

Inconsistencies in the hyphenation of words have been
preserved. (body-guard, bodyguard; eye-ball, eyeball; eye-lid,
eyelid; fire-light, firelight; foot-hills, foothills; sun-down,
sundown; sweet-stuff, sweetstuff)

Pg. 3, original text was "become morally week and seedy",
"weak" was probably intended instead of "week" and changed
accordingly. (become morally weak and seedy)

Pg. 14, in original text "Perak" here was spelled with a
circumflex above the "e" in contrast to numerous other
instances where a breve above the "e" is used. Changed to
match the dominant pattern. (Sultân of Pĕrak from

Pg. 30, "whi l" changed to "while". (while the Malays

Pg. 54, added closing single quote mark to demarcate end of
quoted speech. ('Diam! Diam!')

Pg. 86 and 87, in the original text, these pages have two

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