[5] Kêchek ânak Mălâka; bûal ânak Mĕnangkâbau; tîpu ânak Rămbau;
bidaäh ânak Trĕnggânu; pĕn-âkut ânak Singapŭra; pĕnjĕlok ânak Kĕlantan;
sômbong ânak Pahang.
Wheedlers are the men of Malacca; boasters the men of Mĕnangkâbau;
cheats the men of Rămbau; liars the men of Trĕnggânu; cowards the men of
Singapore; thieves the men of Kĕlantan; and arrogant are the men of
[6] Adan = A hand-rail by means of which Malay children are taught to
stand and walk.