
(coco) #1

126 Huawei Investment & Holding Co., Ltd.

As at December 31, 2019, deductible temporary differences amounting to CNY134,955 million (2018: CNY71,559
million) have not been recognised as deferred tax assets; additionally, unused tax credits relating to overseas
withholding income tax and research and development expenditure totalling CNY3,099 million (2018: CNY1,402
million) have not been recognised as tax assets.

20 Inventories and other contract costs
(CNY million) 2019 2018
Raw materials 58,520 35,448
Manufacturing work in progress 27,103 17, 0 65
Finished goods 52,241 26,308
Dispatched goods and contract work in progress 20,527 11, 3 97
Other inventories 6,970 4,283
165,361 94,501
Other contract costs 2,029 2,044
167, 39 0 96,545

As at December 31, 2019 and 2018, the Group did not hold any inventories pledged as collateral for liabilities or
contingent liabilities.

(a) Amount of inventories recognised as an expense and included in profit or loss:
(CNY million) 2019 2018
Carrying amount of inventories sold 456,577 375,606
Write-down of inventories 3,796 5
460,373 375,611

For the year ended December 31, 2019, the Group wrote down certain raw materials and manufacturing work in
progress that may not be capable of being used in production as a result of the Event disclosed in note 5(c). The
write-down is included in Cost of sales.

(b) Contract costs
The Group’s contract costs represent contract fulfilment costs, which will be charged to Cost of sales when the
corresponding contract revenue is recognised.

No provision for impairment was required on contract costs as at December 31, 2019 (2018: nil).

21 Contract assets
(CNY million) 2019 2018
Gross carrying amount 53,389 48,693
Less: loss allowances (note 22(b)) (377) (417)
53,012 48,276
Non-current portion 2,200 601
Current portion 50,812 47,6 75
53,012 48,276
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