Eberron - Rising from the Last War

(Jeff_L) #1

Fortresses such as this one dot the hilltops of Karrnath,
watching for signs of enemy encroachment even since
the Last War has ended. Fort Bones' garrison consists
primarily of Karrnathi undead soldiers. No lights glow
here, as these undead rely on darkvision to see.

The turbulent Cyre River separates this city from the
deathly Mournland. Karrlakton is the birthplace of kings
(both Karrn the Conqueror and Galifar I were born
here) and is the center of power for House Deneith. The
house's headquarters, Sentinel Tower, dominates the
city's skyline. A stern edifice of angular stone, Sentinel
Tower radiates martial authority and is one of the most
heavily defended fortresses in Khorvaire. Surrounding
the tower are training grounds, barracks, and smithies
to accommodate all of House Deneith's needs. Sentinel
Tower serves as the headquarters of the famed Sentinel
Marshals, though most of them are abroad.

The capital of Karrnath is a city-fortress on the edge of
the Nightwood and the seat of King Kaius III. Its walls
and towers bristle with the weapons of war, and military
marches through the city help bolster the spirits of the
Karrns as well as intimidate foreign diplomats. The
forges of Korth produce some of the finest armor and
weapons in Khorvaire.


This massive forest has close ties to the Plane of
Ma bar. Monsters sometimes slip out of the Nightwood
to threaten the surrounding regions. Criminals and
fugitives who flee into the Nightwood find the dangers
within deadlier than any Karrnathi executioner.

Karrnath has always been a martial nation, and its
people remain vigilant. Early in the war, King Kaius
I instituted the Code of Kai us, a strict set of laws and
limits. Karrnath weathered a number of famines during
the war, and this privation led to an ongoing program of
rationing to ensure that the nation is prepared for what­
ever lies ahead. The war is over, but the Code of Kai us
and the rationing remains in place; the people of Karr­
nath willingly endure ongoing hardship to ensure that
their future is secure. The populace frowns on excess of
any sort, accepts limits on luxury items, and approves of
swift and harsh punishments for crime.
King Kaius III was one of the architects of the Treaty
of Thronehold and remains committed to peace. How­
ever, many of the nation's warlords believe that Karr­
nath would have won the Last War and that Kaius de­
nied the Karrnathi people their rightful destiny. Should
these warlords gain sufficient support, they could push
for a military coup.
A second destabilizing factor is the tension between
the followers of the Blood of Vol and the Karrnathi tra­
ditionalists. The Seekers assert that the Blood of Vol
saved Karrnath and point to the power of its undead
troops. The traditionalists claim that the dark magic
of the Seekers caused famines and plagues, crippling
Karrnath and forcing it to rely on the undead. The Blood
of Vol could back an uprising in Karrnath, or those who
wish to drive out the Seekers could trigger a civil war.
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