In Sarlona, you could ...
- Infiltrate an empire ruled by psychic overlords.
- Defend an ancient mountain monastery.
- Disable a monolith used to control the dreams
of a city.
Tens of thousands of years ago, the vast continent of
Sarlona was the cradle of human civilization. Three
thousand years ago, the first human colonists left, set
ting in motion events shaping modern-day Khorvaire.
Sarlona was once home to over a dozen distinct king
doms, but wars devastated the continent. From this
chaos, a band of saviors rose up to forge a new world.
Guided by celestial spirits and endowed with vast
psionic powers, these champions became known as the
Inspired. Today, the Inspired have united the broken na
tions into a single realm: the Empire of Riedra. Outsid
ers aren't welcome in Riedra, and little is known of the
nation. Merchants tell stories of massive monoliths that
control the dreams of the people, and of secret police
who use psionics to root out dissidents.
A single nation stands against the might of Riedra:
the mountain refuge of Adar, homeland of the kalashtar
(see chapter 1). The Adarans Jack the numbers to chal
lenge Riedra, yet they hold their fortress monasteries
against endless waves of Riedran assaults. The Adarans
possess remarkable psychic and martial disciplines.
Like Khorvaire, Sarlona primarily occupies the north
ern hemisphere of Eberron, and it has all the climatic
and topographic variety one would expect given its im
mensity. A few places in Sarlona known to Khorvairians
are described below.
This port city is the only legal point of entry for foreign
ers who wish to enter the Empire of Riedra. All travelers
remain confined in the foreign quarter. Merchants from
across Khorvaire trade for exotic Riedran goods, while
envoys from many nations negotiate with the emissaries
of the Inspired. To enter Riedra proper, travelers must
obtain a transit visa from the Iron Gate, the office of for
eign relations. The office grants few such visas; visitors
must make a compelling case for entry or find a secret
way to evade the watchful eyes of the Iron Gate.
All but one of the monasteries of Adar lie concealed be
hind a blend of psychic and arcane techniques. Kasshta
Keep refuses to hide from outsiders or the Inspired. It is
the de facto capital of Adar and the abode of the Keeper
of the Word, who guides the kalashtar people. High in
the mountains, the monastery is reached by winches
and lifts. Its inhabitants include wizards, monks, and
mystics; if you want to play a monk from an exotic land,
you could have learned your art in Kasshta Keep.