Eberron - Rising from the Last War

(Jeff_L) #1
d6 Villain
Several harpies travel to the upper wards and use
their luring songs to make rich people fall to their
deaths. The harpies pick the corpses for valuables.
2 A pack of gnolls rampages through the lower wards,
killing any halflings they come across. The gnolls take
the halflings' ears as trophies.
3 A shifter priest of the Devourer wants to crash Skyway
by performing a ritual to create a cataclysmic storm.
Sacrifices to the Devourer fuels the ritual.
4 A changeling agent of Daask seeks to frame the
Tyrants for attacks on the Boromar Clan, driving a
wedge between the two organizations.
5 A wererat priest of the Mockery starts a cult in Lower
Dura, teaching its followers the arts of assassination.
6 A gargoyle sharpshooter continually finds new van­
tage points in the upper wards from where it can as­
sassinate targets in the middle and lower wards.

On the surface, Daask appear to be nothing more com­
plicated than a gang of violent monsters wreaking havoc
in the worst parts of the city. If you want, this can be
the only role they play in a campaign: a ready source of
sudden violence. Low-level characters might work with
the Sham Watch or the Boromar Clan to curtail Daask
muggings and raid dreamlily houses. This crusade
against Daask will escalate as the adventurers become
more powerful; Daask will unleash ever more power-
ful monsters, and its forces might start targeting the
adventurer's allies and loved ones. Those attacks won't
end until the adventurers delve deep into the Cogs and
defeat Cava11ah herself.
Another option is to delve deeper into the motives of
Daask, to explore the idea that these monsters aren't as
savage as they appear. The elite members of Daask are


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Monsters are infiltrating our city! Though the Sham
Watch acts as though Daask is a problem only for
Malleon's Gate, and not a threat to law-abiding citizens,
there is clear cunning in the criminal cabal's actions.
Their recent attacks have targeted properties throughout
the lower wards, all owned by a certain halfling family,
as ifDaask were attempting a violent takeover of Sham's
underworld. Once these monsters control the city's
crime, what will they do next?

spies, soldiers, and saboteurs using their criminal activ­
ities as a cover for their true agenda. What is Sora Katra
rea1ly trying to accomplish in Sham? This question ties
to how you decide to use the Daughters of Sora Ke11, de­
scribed earlier in this chapter. Do the Daughters simply
want to ravage their enemies? Or, guided by the oracular
visions of Sora Teraza, are they actually working toward
some greater good? For instance, Daask agents could
break into the vaults and workshops of dragonmarked
houses and discover secret projects forbidden by the
Treaty of Thronehold. They could clash with spies of for­
eign powers in Sham, or pursue ancient artifacts in the
ruins below the city to keep them out of others' hands.
Dreamlily is relatively safe; dragon's blood is not. Its
effects are intentionally unpredictable, and you can take
this idea wherever you like. Could drinking dragon's
blood cause someone to develop a dragonmark? Could
it turn addicts into crazed, draconic creatures? Is Daask
simply selling it to make money, or is the drug's intro­
duction part of a grander plan? Neither the Boromar
Clan or the dragonmarked houses have been able to
learn anything important about dragon's blood.
Daask can also serve as a group patron for a party
of adventurers, as described in chapter 1. The Daask
Assignments table provides objectives for adventurers
working with the organization, and the discussion of
crime syndicates in chapter 1 includes additional ideas
for parties with a crime syndicate patron.
d6 Assignment
Convince several new businesses in the lower wards
to pay protection fees to Daask.
2 Cause as much death and destruction as possible in­
side a Boromar-owned establishment.
3 Guard a priest of the Dark Six as he preaches the
word of the Mockery on the street.
Assassinate a member of the Boromar Clan.
Convince a dragon marked noble to offer the house's
services to Daask for free.
6 Mug someone to steal a magic item in their
The Daask Adventure Hooks table presents ideas for
additional adventures themed around Daask.
d4 Adventure Hook
Daask harpies raid a Skyway mansion and tear the
place apart looking for a Boromar Clan member.
2 People who take dragon's blood begin turning to
stone, and no one can figure out why.
3 Cavallah announces a contest within the organization,
promising a valuable magic item to whichever Daask
soldier kills the most members of the Boromar Clan.
4 Ash challenges Cavallah for control of Daask, creating
a schism that erupts into a violent gang war.

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