Eberron - Rising from the Last War

(Jeff_L) #1


Mastermind. Somebody has to be the brains of any
criminal operation-that's where the Mastermind
comes in. A high Intelligence benefits this character,
as does proficiency in skills such as Insight and Inves­
tigation. Masterminds often come from backgrounds
such as acolyte, noble, or sage, that give them a broad
range of knowledge to support their schemes. Bards,
rogues, and wizards are often"drawn to this role.
Safecracker. The "breaking" part of "breaking and en­
tering" is the Safecracker'sjob. A typical Safecracker
might have proficiency with thieves' tools, as well as
the Dexterity required to use them expertly. Intelli­
gence can be important for figuring out complicated
locks and secret doors. Many Safecrackers also boast
a high Strength for those cases where lockpicks fail.
Safecrackers often come from criminal backgrounds,
but characters with experience using other tools and
devices, including guild artisans and even sailors, also
fall naturally into this role. Artificer or rogue makes a
natural class choice for the Safecracker.
Talker. From con artists to fences, anyone who relies
on interpersonal skills and a network of contacts falls
into the role of the Talker. Charisma proves useful for
this role, along with proficiencies in skills such as De­
ception, Intimidation, and Persuasion. The charlatan
background is perfect for Talkers, but criminals, ur­
chins, and others can fill the role with the right skills.
Bards are a natural fit for the job as well.

Your work as syndicate members involves more than
simple street swindles or pickpocketing. A team with
your skills comes together for greater purposes-more
dangerous risks and far more splendid rewards. As a
group, consider the options on the Syndicate Crimes ta­
ble and work with your DM to decide what kinds of work
you do for the Boromar Clan.

d6 Crime
Acquisitions and Retrieval. Your job is to acquire assets
for the syndicate. You might steal important docu­
ments or clear out a location for use as a hideout.
2 Heists. You plan and execute elaborate robberies that
require the skills of everyone on your team.
3 Gang Warfare. Your primary job is to ensure that no
other crime syndicate (such as Daask or House Tar­
kanan) gains a significant foothold in your territory.

(^4) Internal Affairs. Your task is to keep all the corrupt,
headstrong, and avaricious members of your syndicate
in line with the goals and rules of the group.
S Assassination. Your work involves killing prominent
people-the sort who have numerous bodyguards and
elaborate security systems to circumvent.
6 Topple the Powerful. Your syndicate might be criminal
and your methods illegal, but your goals are righteous.
You help people who are powerless to defend them­
selves against exploitation by the rich and powerful.
Even among the notorious Boromar Clan, your group
has a distinct identity and a reputation. What's the event
or unique trait that makes your crew stand out? Consult
the Group Infamy table for suggestions on how your
group might stand out within the larger syndicate.
d6 Notorious Element
Tattoos. Each member of your group has a distinct tat­
too that inspires fe ar in others. When possible, you use
the symbol as a calling card to mark your work.
2 Outfit. Whether it is a leather duster with a group sym­
bol or a distinctive handkerchief tucked in your pocket,
your gang has a signature accessory.
3 Infamy. Your group is linked to an infamous crime, one
that remains the talk of the town.
(^4) Idols. A certain type of person finds criminals alluring,
and your band has acquired a group of such hang­
ers-on. They're not criminals themselves, just outsid­
ers who admire you for your brutality, cunning, or flair.
S Legitimate. The Boromar Clan has a legitimate front,
though everyone knows the truth behind it. You're part
of that facade of legitimacy, but you have a reputation
for getting away with (literal) murder.
6 Legends. You have an air of mystery, and people whis­
per that you command strange powers. True or not,
this reputation keeps people out of your way.
Some criminals believe you can't do a job without be­
traying your partners. Perhaps you have your own share
of adversaries you've angered. The Group Rivals table
presents a host of groups and individuals who might­
legitimately or otherwise-hold a grudge against you.
d6 Rival
The Law. Someone in the Sharn Watch has vowed to
put you in prison or die trying.
2 Gang War. Some members of a rival syndicate (such as
Daask, House Ta rkanan, or the Tyrants} hate you, prob­
ably for good reason.
3 The Press. Your group's adventures make for great
headlines. Your every move is reported in the broad­
sheets and your steps are dogged by journalists.
(^4) Infighting. Another group within the Boromar Clan is
jealous of your success or angry about a past wrong.
They do everything they can to undercut you.
5 Vigilante. A citizen you wronged has sworn vengeance.
Around any corner, you might find yourself facing a vig­
ilante or a posse of angry citizens out for your blood.
6 The Bosses. The ha/fling family in control of the syndi­
cate has its eye on you, taking pains to keep you in line
and make sure you stay loyal.

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