Science - USA (2020-09-25)

(Antfer) #1



age), but stimulated emission of a photon
into that same x-ray pulse immediately fills
the hole with another outer electron from
the same atom, essentially instantly “heal-
ing” the atom. This process creates a mildly
excited neutral atom that has obtained a soft
kick or push along the laser direction, as if
it had only interacted with a n on-ionizing
photon of much lower energy. Atoms under-
going other natural (i.e., statistical) decay
processes, such as spontaneous emission of
photons or electrons, will suffer a large mo-
mentum kick, and thus will be displayed as
a diffuse halo on the detector. The nearly
negligible momentum transfer of the x-
ray–stimulated Raman process, by contrast,
arises from the almost perfect compensation
of momenta of the c o-propagating absorbed
and re-emitted photons in the combined
nonlinear process of coherent excitation and
stimulated emission, respectively.
Stimulated x-ray Raman scattering in
a dense medium has previously been ob-
served by a collective (propagation-based)
experiment ( 3 ). By contrast, Eichmann et
al. experimentally isolate, extract, and de-
tect exclusively the individual “survivor
particles” that were excited but remained
neutral in the intense x-ray flash. In the
previous approach, the signal light was co-
propagating with the intense x-rays and

thus limited the detection of weak signals,
whereas neutral-momentum imaging al-
lows a background-free detection with sin-
gle-particle sensitivity.
One key to the success of this experiment
was the high repetition rate of what is cur-
rently the world’s most powerful x-ray laser,
the European XFEL (EuXFEL) at Schenefeld
near Hamburg. With effectively 1000 shots
per second and their method to isolate just
the atoms undergoing the x-ray–stimulated
Raman process, Eichmann et al. could op-
timize the exciting x-ray–atom interaction.
The extreme sensitivity of their recoil-
imaging approach allowed the fine-tuning
of the x-ray properties to maximize the de-
sired “gentle” nonlinear x-ray excitation rel-
ative to competing spontaneous decay chan-
nels, such as fluorescence or Auger electron
decay. By varying the photon energy and
intensity of EuXFEL, they obtained an al-
ready impressive relative yield of ~10% for
the stimulated versus spontaneous Raman
processes, which was also confirmed and
understood by theoretical modeling. This
understanding also showed that the limita-
tions are “just” machine parameters of the
FEL. Efficiency could be much improved,
such that the stimulated Raman process is
favored over the spontaneous Raman pro-
cess by a factor of >10. What’s still missing

are suitable ways of controlling x-rays that
are partly in place at lower-energy FELs
( 4 ). Their translation to hard–x-ray FELs
would then even allow coherent-control
approaches for quantum-state manipula-
tion, such as stimulated Raman adiabatic
passage (STIRAP) ( 5 ), while also addressing
and selectively steering all electrons of an
atom down to its core.
A range of opportunities can be expected
from this fundamental-physics result. The
observed interaction merges x-ray element
specificity from core electrons ( 6 ) with the
chemically relevant excitations of valence
orbitals and thus provides a powerful tool
for analytical spectroscopy. The authors
calculate that signals can be massively
enhanced by using two-color modes of op-
eration with few-femtosecond pulse dura-
tions, and indeed x-ray FELs are currently
being developed in this direction.
The use of two sets of two-color pulses
[in the best case with attosecond duration
( 7 )] that take advantage of FEL coherence
effects in resonant atomic absorption ( 8 )
would allow time-resolved probing of elec-
trons excited at a given atom on one end
of a molecule and traveling to a “target”
atom on the other end of the molecule.
This process is predicted to occur on time
scales of only a few femtoseconds ( 9 , 10 ).
The method would implement two-dimen-
sional spectroscopy with x-rays—as con-
ceived quite some time ago ( 11 )—but, as is
less commonly known, the signal could con-
sist of massive particles rather than light,
as a proof-of-principle experiment at much
lower frequencies recently showed ( 12 ).
Our improved understanding of funda-
mental x-ray light–matter interaction keeps
driving another revolution, namely com-
prehensive control and engineering of well-
defined quantum states and dynamics of
matter on a (sub-)atomic level. The work of
Eichmann et al. is part of an evolving skill
set for taming the darker side of x-rays. The
result will be sharper tools to control their
exciting properties. j


  1. W. C. Roentgen, Nature 53 , 274 (1896).

  2. U. Eichmann et al., Science 369 , 1630 (2020).

  3. C. Weninger et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 111 , 233902 (2013).

  4. E. Ferrari et al., Nat. Commun. 7 , 10343 (2016).

  5. K. Bergmann, H. Theuer, B. W. Shore, Rev. Mod. Phys. 70 ,
    1003 (1998).

  6. K. Siegbahn, Science 217 , 111 (1982).

  7. J. T. O’Neal et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 125 , 073203 (2020).

  8. T. D i n g et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 123 , 103001 (2019).

  9. L. S. Cederbaum, J. Zobeley, Chem. Phys. Lett. 307 , 205

  10. F. Remacle, R. D. Levine, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 103 ,
    6793 (2006).

  11. I. V. Schweigert, S. Mukamel, Phys. Rev. Lett. 99 , 163001

  12. S. Roeding, T. Brixner, Nat. Commun. 9 , 2519 (2018).


25 SEPTEMBER 2020 • VOL 369 ISSUE 6511 1569

Damaged atoms
When a “normal” x-ray (single photon) is absorbed by an atom, it knocks out core
electrons. This process causes further ionization through cascaded decays.

Beam of atoms

More intense but gently exciting
Intense x-rays can move two electrons through a “nonlinear” two-photon process.
Concerted absorption and emission of x-ray photons leads to only mild (valence)
excitation of the neutral atom.

Imaging detector
A spatially resolving detector measures the momentum “kicks” of mildly
excited neutrals. These kicks are almost nonexistent for the coherent x-ray
(stimulated Raman) process; the detector image thus refects the
unperturbed “I-shaped” intersection of the x-rays and the atomic beam.

Electron Momentum
recoil “kick”


No signal or diNuse hits for
statistically excited neutrals

Ionized atom

Almost no

Excited atom

Wea k x- rays

Different x-ray responses
X-rays normally ionize or highly excite atoms out of their core shells. Eichmann et al. show how intense x-ray
pulses can create only slightly excited neutral atoms formed by promotion of core electrons to high valence
states, a key step for site-selective triggering of chemical reaction dynamics.
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