
(sharon) #1

A religious order which believes
that weaponising the Pandora
virus and its mutations is the key to
rebuilding the world. The virus
was, according to its scripture,
retribution for humanity’s sins.

A militaristic faction, New Jericho’s
goal is destroying the Pandora
virus and reclaiming the planet. It
believes in human purity, rejecting
any form of mutation and restoring
order through force.

This faction believes that, having
learned from past sins, the world
can now be rebuilt as a utopian
society, with renewable energy,
freedom from persecution and a
focus on developing science and


ice in what battles

you pursue.

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Phoenix Point will
feature both infantry
and vehicle combat.

to completely defeat the alien menace,
like New Jericho is trying to do, is a
futile task.”
All three factions have their own
agenda, technology, and solutions
to the alien menace. And you, as an
independent party, can use different,
often risky methods to get this
information. “You can ally with a
faction, defending their settlements
to curry favor,” says Gollop. “Or you
can attack them and just steal their
resources and technology.
“You can also trade and exchange
research and technology peacefully. So
that aspect of the game, including from

a storytelling perspective, is a lot richer
than X-COM. We also have plans for
the story beyond even this first game,
about what happens next in the world
of Phoenix Point.”
The beliefs of the factions means
you’ll be navigating dangerous
diplomatic waters. “Your actions will
have consequences and could lead to
a faction turning on you,” says Gollop.
“But if they’re under attack and you
choose to intervene, they might trust
you more. However, if you defend
a Disciples of Anu base and not a
Synedrion one, because you’re more
interested in forming an alliance with
the former, the latter may react badly.”
You also have to consider the
structure of each faction before you
go charging in looking to make a deal.
“With the Disciples of Anu, you can’t
just march in and talk directly to the
Exalted. You have to progress through
several levels of their, let’s say, priest
hierarchy to reach her. The Synedrion
are changing leadership a lot, as they’re
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