
(sharon) #1


61 Resident Evil 2
64 Kenshi
65 Insurgency: Sandstorm
66 Gris
67 Dusk
70 Ashen
71 Catherine Classic
72 Ace Combat 7
73 Onimusha Warlords
74 Jagged Alliance: Rage
75 Below

Closure issues

I have a problem.


ello, my name is David Hollingworth, and I
have a problem. I have been playing games for
over 35 years now, but recently... Dammit, I can’t
finish a damn one!
I still love games — I couldn’t do this job if I
didn’t. I love the people who make them, I love the
stories they tell, and I love being a part of opening
up that process to the people who play them. But
heck — the older I get, the harder it is to stick
with them.
So why? Well, it’s all about time, really. Both a
growing lack of it as life generally trends towards
a more complex state (until it starts trending back
to child-like simplicity, and then, uh, kinda stops),
and the growing amount of it that it takes to finish
a big AAA game these days. Maybe I should chat
to Meghann about some nice, perfectly formed yet
short indie games to play in my lunchbreak?

David Hollingworth




SCORING SYSTEM | PCPP scores its games
on a 1 to 10 scale. The higher, the better –
though 10 is by no means a “perfect” game.
We’re not convinced such a thing exists, so
consider a 10 a masterpiece of PC gaming,
despite its inevitable flaws. A 5 is a decidedly
average game; one that doesn’t excel in any
particular area, without being an affront to our
senses – the ultimate in mediocrity. Below this,
you’ll start to find the games our reviewers
suffered an aneurysm getting through; above it,
the titles truly worth your time and money. And
remember: a score is only a vague indication
of quality. Always read the full review for the
definitive opinion!



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