Maximum PC - USA (2019-06)

(Antfer) #1

Who you gonna call?

Devil May Cry 5

Evil 2 remake, Capcom is on a roll, and is
bringing its console games to PC in exactly
the right way. The engine is a monster,
and console ports that once would arrive
with little or no customization options are
now taking full advantage of PC graphics.
Devil May Cry is a console-centric
series of third-person brawlers, however,
that has not always appealed to the
PC faithful. It calls out for a controller,
although mouse and keyboard controls
have been given the same amount of
thought as the rest of the game. It also
deserves to be played at the highest
frame rate you can manage—dropping
down to 1080p is a small price to pay for
smooth demon-killing.
DMC games are a strange mix of the
deep and the shallow, the smart and
the dumb. The plot follows an insectoid
demonic invasion, which can only be
stopped by young men who also have a
touch of the Luciferian about themselves
and can string fighting moves together
like you’ve never seen. There are three

There's no theme to enemies.
Some are insects, others
screaming skeletons.

Nico not only drives the van,
but creates arms for Nero too.
Bosses tower over
characters and buildings.

The city is
London-like, with
red call boxes.

throw on to enemies’ heads, even those
of bosses.
It’s also taken the New Game + concept,
which, once you’ve beaten the campaign
once, deposits you at the beginning of
the game with all your unlocked gear
and skills to face harder and refreshed
enemies. So much is changed, it feels like
a continuation rather than a restart.
DMC5 is flashy dumb fun that’s going to
repel as many as it attracts, but it’s great
to see the series on PC with a port that’s
had so much thought and love put into it.
If you’ve never played a game in the series
before, this is a great place to join the
hype train. –IAN EVENDEN

protagonists: Dante, Nero, and V, each
of whom have different fighting styles.
Dante uses swords and guns, and also in
one memorable scene a motorbike that
comes apart into two ax-like weapons,
with multiple fighting styles. Nero can
switch between mechanical arms that
destroy demons in different ways. And V
can summon a demon, big cat, and griffon
to do the fighting for him.
It’s all very silly, preposterous even, the
tone set by a slow-motion intro sequence
that has its tongue firmly in its cheek. The
game’s depth comes from the fighting
combos, as you prowl around its levels
killing just about everything that moves,
and collecting orbs that lead to upgrades.
A system of ratings, applied at the end
of each level, supplies the impetus to
replay to improve your skills, but the sight
of characters sliding smoothly between
lock-ons, gunshots, weapon sweeps,
moves that pull you into the faces of
enemies, then explosions that knock you
back out of harm’s way is reward in itself.
There’s even a weaponized hat you can

Devil May Cry 5
REVELS Fast; good looking;
easy to pick up; tricky combat.
DEVILS You might wonder what’s going on.
8GB RAM; GTX 1060 6GB/RX 480 8GB.
$60,, ESRB: M



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