3rd Grade Math Centers

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Build Eight Hexagons

Materials: 2 number cubes, pattern blocks (hexagons, trapezoids, blue Number of Players: 2
rhombi, triangles), gameboardper player

  1. Take turns to roll two number cubes to create a fraction. The largest
    number you roll represents the denominator and the smaller number
    represents the numerator.

  2. Use pattern blocks to build the fractional amount on your board (give
    the hexagon the value of ONE). You may use equivalent fractions but
    must explain your reasoning. For example, if you roll
    2 you can place a
    trapezoid or three triangles on your board because
    2 is equivalent to


  1. If you roll a fraction that you cannot use you must wait until your next
    turn. Keep taking turns until one player has covered all the hexagons
    on his or her board.

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