6th Grade Math Textbook, Fundamentals

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Rational Numbers:


Chapter Opener....................... 107

5-1 Prime Factorization................ 108

5-2 Greatest Common Factor........... 110

5-3 Least Common Multiple............ 112

5-4 Fraction Sense: Close to 1, 
0, , or 1........................ 114

5-5 Compare and Order
Rational Numbers................. 116
Check Your Progress I(Lessons 1–5)

5-6 Add and Subtract Fractions.... 118

5-7 Add and Subtract
Mixed Numbers.................. 120

5-8 Multiply Fractions............ 122

5-9 Multiply Mixed Numbers...... 124

5-10 Divide Fractions............. 126

5-11 Divide Mixed Numbers........ 128

Check Your Progress II (Lessons 6–11)

5-12 Properties of Rational
Numbers........................ 130

5-13 Order of Operations
with Rational Numbers............. 132

5-14 Addition and Subtraction
Equations with Fractions........... 134

5-15 Multiplication and Division
Equations with Fractions........... 136

5-16 Solve Two-Step Equations
with Fractions.................... 138

5-17 Rename Customary Units
of Measure...................... 140
Check Your Progress III (Lessons 12–17)

5-18 Problem-Solving Strategy:
Make a Drawing.................. 142
Different Ways to Find the GCF...... 144
Test Prep....................... 145


Ratio and Proportion

Chapter Opener....................... 147
6-1 Ratio..................... 148
6-2 Unit Rate and Unit Cost....... 150
6-3 Write and Solve Proportions... 152
Check Your Progress I (Lessons 1–3)
6-4 Direct Proportion............ 154
6-5 Proportion by Parts.......... 156
6-6 Scale Drawings and Models... 158
6-7 Similarity.................. 160
6-8 Indirect Measurement........ 162
Check Your Progress II (Lessons 4–8)
6-9 Inverse Proportion........... 164
6-10 Dimensional Analysis.............. 166
Check Your Progress III (Lessons 9–10)
6-11 Problem-Solving Strategy:
Solve a Simpler Problem........... 168
Bicycle-Gear Math................ 170
Test Prep....................... 171


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