68 Chapter 3
More Enrichment Topics
1.For all real numbers aand b, a@ b(ab)^2.
a.Find a@ bfor at least five pairs of numbers.
b.Is @ commutative? If so, explain how you know. If not, give a counterexample.
2.For all integers aand b, a# b0 if abis even and a# b1 if abis odd.
a.Find a# bfor at least five pairs of integers.
b.Is # commutative? If so, explain how you know. If not, give a counterexample.
3.Discuss and Write Define an operation that applies to all real numbers.
Make a table showing the result of your operation for at least five pairs
of numbers.
page 75 for exercise sets.
Define, Substitute, and Compute
Objective To invent arithmetic operations • To explore properties of invented operations
Each of the four basic mathematical operations combines two numbers to get
another number. For example, each basic operation below is combining 12 and 3:
12 3 15 12 3 9 12 • 3 36 12 3 4
You can invent your own operations based on the four
basic operations.
For example, you could define an operation so that for any real
numbers aand b, a★b. So 5 ★ 2 3.5.
The table at the right shows the values of a★bfor more values
of aand b. Note the following about the operation ★.
- The operation ★is commutative.
For any numbers aand b, a★bb★a. - For any number a, a★aa.
Consider an operation ❖that is defined for onlyfive whole numbers: 0, 1, 2, 3,
and 4. The result of a❖bis theremainderwhen abis divided by 5.
For example, 4 ❖ 3 2, because 4 3 7 and the remainder when 7
is divided by 5 is 2.
You can use a table to show the result of every possible
combination of numbers. The table shows:
- The operation ❖is commutative.
For example, 2 ❖ 4 4 ❖ 2 6. - 0 is the identity element because a❖0 equals a.
- The inverse of a number ais 5 a. That is, a❖(5 a) 0.
For example, the inverse of 3 is 2, and the inverse of 1 is 4.
5 2
2 a
a a
b a
a b
a b
❖ 01234
0 01234
1 12340
2 23401
3 34012
4 40123
aba ★b
25 33 29
6.4 2.2 4.3